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Take Me To Church

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Phrased Advanced Plus
Guyton Mundy (USA) & Fred Whitehouse (IRE) - November 2014
Take Me to Church - Hozier
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Phrasing in patterns would be A, shortened A, B, C, C with timing change, Shortened A, Shortened A, C, C with no timing change, D, Modified B, C, C………Lead in on music… There is none… Start on first beat.

A Pattern
A1: Step, 1/2, 1/2 out out with head roll, sway
1-2Step forward on Right, make a 1/2 turn to left
a 3-4make a 1/2 turn left stepping right out to right, step left out to left as you roll head down and to the left, sway to right

A2: 1 and a 1/4 turn, hitch, down with body drop and arm styling
1e a make a 1/4 turn to the left stepping forward on left, make a 1/2 turn to left stepping back on right, make a 1/2 turn to left stepping forward on left.
2-3hitch right leg, step down on right next to left as you push hands up past head (palms facing in as they pass head) and as you drop head and slightly bend at waist.

A3: Back X3 kick back, 1/2 turn hitch, step down
1e a Step back on left, step back right, step back left (as you drop hands to sides)
2 a 3kick right foot back, make a 1/2 turn to right as you hitch right knee, step down on right

A4: Rock recover back, 1/2 turn with sweep, sweep
1e a Rock forward on left, recover on right, step back on left
2-3make a 1/2 turn to right stepping forward on right as you sweep left around and forward, step forward on left as you sweep right around forward

A5: Full chase, sweep, sweep
1 & 2-3step forward on right, make a 1/2 turn to left stepping forward on left, make a 1/2 turn to left stepping back on right as you sweep left foot back, step back on left as you sweep right back, (the 2nd shortened A. this will be your restart in to the A pattern again. After you do your full chase, you will do one sweep with your left, the step behind your right with your left, make a 1/4 turn to the right stepping forward on right, step forward on left. The counts will be e & a for the behind 1/4 forward steps.)

A6: 1/4, 1/2, arm hits, step with sweep
1e a 2-3 (1)make a 1/4 turn to the right stepping right to right side, (e)make a 1/2 turn to right stepping out on left as you bring hands in from waist level into each other as they cross at chest level, (a)bring hands out to either side (right to right, left to left, arms will be bent at elbows, hands up open palms) (2) drop elbows as if you’re hitting something with your elbows slightly, (3) drop hands out in front as you step forward on right and sweep left in front of right
(This will be your 1st shortened A. You will start the B pattern here during the 2 wall)
(This will be your 3rd shortened A. But you will change steps and cross left over right, step back on ball of right, step down on left, step on ball of right, step forward on left as you start the C pattern…)

A7: Cross, back, side, walk , walk,
1e a cross left over right, step back on right, step left to left
2-3walk forward right, walk forward left

A8: Cross side behind, rock, recover
1e a cross right over left, step left to left side, step right behind left
2-3rock left to left, recover on right

A9: Behind side cross, rock, recover
1e a step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right,
2-3rock right to right, recover on left

A10: Ball step
e a step on ball of right next to left, step forward on left

B Pattern
This pattern is done during the Amen part of the song. You will start this pattern after the elbow drop in Part A the second time you do the A pattern
1-2&3step forward on right as you sweep left in front, cross left over right, step right to right side, step left behind right as you sweep right around to right, (This part of the B pattern is only done the first time you do the B pattern.)
4 &step right behind left, step left to left, as soon as you take weight to left foot make a full turn to the left. Facing front wall raise right arm up and then raise left arm up as you drop right arm prepping for another turn to left. Your arms will raise and lower on the word Amen. Make another full turn to the left repeating arm raises. Prep to left and make a full turn to right then raise only left arm for the last Amen. NOTE….The turns are on the beginning of the word “Amen”… you can see timing on video…..
Arm hits. This happens on the hard beats right before the chorus. Take right arm out and down to right, take left arm down and out to left. Bring arms into chest as you drop your head (on the words “TAKE ME”). Bring arms out to either side as you raise your head on the word “TO”)

C Pattern “chorus”
C[1-9] Low kick, cross, back, 1/4 with drop and arm reach, full turn, sway sway, side, 3/4 turn ending in rock back with arm styling.. This pattern is always done twice in a row. The second time the last counts will change from 8&1 to 8&a1
1-2step forward on left foot as you kick right foot low, cross right over left
&-3step back on left, make a 1/4 turn to the right as you step right to right side as you bend slightly at knees and drop body down while reaching left hand across body and upwards like you are reaching for something.
4&5make a 1/4 turn to left stepping forward on left, make a 1/2 turn to left stepping back on right, make a 1/4 turn to left stepping left to left side
6&7sway right, sway left, take a big step to right on right
8&1make a 1/4 turn to the left stepping forward on left as you bring left arm up in front of body bent at elbow palm facing down, as your right arm comes underneath your left arm in a circular motion from right to left and into body, make a 1/2 turn to the left as you step back on right letting your right hand continue the circular motion this time as it comes around it will go over top of the left arm, rock back on left as your right hand comes by your neck “as if you were cutting it” (DON’T THINK BAD THINGS HERE!!!!!!)

C[10-16] Hand styling, recover with arm pull, rock/recover, weave with 1/2 turn, together with arm raise
2e a take right hand out to right with closed fist, take left hand out to left with open palm, bring hands together in front. (Left palm on the left side of right fist, like if there was a knife in your hand with the blade sticking out to the right, with your left hand on the back of the handle.
3pull hands into chest as if you are stabbing yourself, turning right fist so that the knife blade faces chest as you recover weight on to right foot
4rock forward onto left foot as you pull knife out of chest as you open hands out slightly to either side
5recover weight back onto right
6&a7make a 1/4 turn to right stepping left behind right, make a 1/4 turn to right stepping forward on right, step forward on left, step together with right as you bring arms out and raise them up to either side
8&1step back on left, step back on right, make a 1/2 turn to left as you step forward on left and low kick the right foot forward

Repeat Pattern this time with the timing change at the end so you can start the A pattern
Timing change for into the A
8&astep back on left, step back on right, make a 1/2 turn to left stepping forward on left this time with no low kick as you are about to start the A pattern again

D Pattern – 42 counts
D[1-9] step with sweep, cross, side, behind with sweep, behind side cross, 3/4 turn into rock, back, back, 1/4
1-2&3step forward on left as you sweep right around in front of left, cross right over left, step left to left side, step right behind left as you sweep left around and behind right.
4&5step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
6&7make a 1/4 turn to left stepping back on right, make a 1/2 turn to left stepping forward on left, rock forward on right
8&1step back on left, step back on right, make a 1/4 turn to left stepping left to left side

D[10-17] sways, side, 1/4 coaster, full turn into rock with head drop, back, back, ¼ with hands, head tilt
2&3sway right, sway left, take a big side step to right on right
4&5make a 1/4 turn to left stepping back on left, step together with right, step forward on left
6&7make a 1/2 turn to left stepping back on right, make a 1/2 turn to left stepping forward on left, rock forward on right as you drop head
8&1step back on left, step back on right, make a 1/4 turn to left stepping left to left side as you bring your hands up to either side of face with palms facing inward, tilting head slightly to the left.

D[18-25] sways with head tilts and hand motions, side, 1/4 coaster, 3/4 chase, full chase,
2&3sway right with hands going slightly higher on the sides of head as you tilt head to right, sway left as hands go slightly higher but still not above your head, step right to right side.
4&5make a 1/4 turn to left stepping back on left, step together with right, step forward on left
6&7step forward on right, make a 3/4 turn to left stepping down on left, step forward on right
8&1step forward on left, make a 1/2 turn to right stepping down on right, make a 1/2 turn to right stepping back on left

D[26-33] rock back/recover, rock forward with hand raise from chest, recover, out out, prep, full turn right
2-arock back on right, recover on left,
3-4rock forward on right as your right hand comes up from chest and straight up and out in front of you as you look up. Recover on left
0a-5step out right, step out left
6-7prep to left, start a slow full turn to right on right foot
8-1finish full turn, step left out to left side

D[34-42] Hold, night club basic X2, side, behind with sweep, behind, side into full turn to start the modified Amen section
5 6&7step right to right side, step left behind right, cross right over left, step left to left side,
8e a 1 step right behind left, cross left over right, step right to right, step left behind right as you sweep right around and behind
2 astep right behind left, step left to left as you start a full turn to left and begin the Amen section.

Have fun with this one…..

Guyton & Fred


Jessica 🐭🇸🇪 January 27, 2015
Looooooove It! / Jessica Boström, Stockholm

Aziva March 4, 2015
Great dance, love it!

Weber March 17, 2015
Love it

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