CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Take It Further

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Tim Johnson (UK) - January 2020
Further Up (Na, Na, Na, Na, Na) - Static & Ben El & Pitbull
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Count In: Dance begins after 8 counts
Notes: Restart on wall 3 after sixteen counts**

[1 – 8] Rock R forward, side, behind, pop heels, L side & behind & In front ¼ together
1&2&3&4Rock right foot forward (1) recover left (&) rock right foot to right side (2) recover left (&) step right foot behind left (3) lift both heels up (&) drop heels down, keeping weight on right (4)
5&6&Step left foot to left side (5) recover right (&) left foot behind right (6) right foot to right side (&)
7&8Cross left over right (7) making a ¼ left step back on right (&) step left next to right, taking weight (8)
[9 – 16] Walk right left, 1/2 , left right, mambo left, R,L,R
1, 2&Walk forward right (1) walk forward left (2) making a ½ turn left, step back on right (&)
3, 4Travelling backwards, walk back left (3) walk back right (4)
5&6Step back on left foot (5) recover weight on right (&) step left forward (6)
7&8Running forward, run right (7) left (&) right (8) *These can be done as Shorty George*
[17 – 24] 1/2 volta turn left, cross 1/4, side touch, side touch, side
1&2&3&41/8 turn left stepping left foot forward (1) close right foot behind (&) 1/8 turn left stepping left foot forward (2) close right foot behind (&) 1/8 turn left stepping left foot forward (3) close right foot behind (&) 1/8 turn left stepping left foot forward (4)
5&6&Cross right foot over left (5) making ¼ right, step back on left (&) travelling backwards, step right to right side (6) touch left next to right (&)
7&8Travelling backwards, step left to left side (7) touch right next to left (&) step right to right side (8)
[25 - 32] Behind ¼ forward, step turn step, left point & up, right point & up
1&2Step left behind right (1) making ¼ right, step forward right (&) step forward left (2)
3&4Step forward right (3) making ½ left, step down on left (&) step forward right (4)
5&6Step left foot to left side, point left arm across body to right side (5) pulling elbow back in line with shoulder, bring arm back across body, so hand is level with chest, still pointing to right side (&) Pivoting left arm at the elbow, point left forearm up & touch right foot next to left (6)
7&8Step right foot to right side, point right arm across body to left side (7) pulling elbow back in line with shoulder, bring arm back across body, so hand is level with chest, still pointing to left side (&) pivoting right arm at the elbow, point right forearm up & step left foot next to right (8)
** Restart on wall 3 after 16 counts – this happens after the runs forward, running right, left, right – on the restart wall please run right, left, right, left – counts being 7,&,8,& - allowing for restart on right foot for count 1.
Dance and enjoy



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