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Ta Mig Tillbaka (Take Me Back)

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Jessica Boström (SWE) - July 2015
Ta mig tillbaka - Darin : (Single - iTunes)
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Intro: 8 count

S1: Step, Mambo step, Coaster cross, 1/4, 1/4, Cross shuffle. (6.00)
1R Step forward
2&3L Rock forward, recover, step back on L
4&5R step back, L beside R, cross R over L
6,71/4 turn right step back on L, 1/4 right step R to right side
8&1Cross L over R, R to right side, cross L over right (6.00)

S:2 Diagonal rockstep &, Diagonal rockstep &, Step, Pivot 1/2, 1/2 Turn touch. (7.30)
2&3Rock forward on R, Recover, step R in place beside L. Weight is on R. (On right diagonal facing 7.30)
4&5Rock forward on L, recover, step L in place beside R. Weight is on L. (On right diagonal facing 7.30)
6,7Step forward on R, pivot 1/2 turn left. Weight on L.
8On ball of L make another 1/2 turn left and touch R beside L. (Weight is still on your L). (7.30)

S:3 Back, Lock, Back, Shuffle 3/8, Cross samba, Cross samba. (3.00)
1&2Step R back, cross lock L over R, step back on R. (7.30)
3&4Make a 3/8 shuffle turn left. Stepping L,R,L. (3.00)
5&6Cross R over L, rock L to left side, recover on to R.
7&8Cross L over R, rock R to right side, recover on to L.

S:4 Jazzbox with touch, Full turn gallops. (3.00)
1-4Cross R over L, step back on L, step R to right side, touch L beside R. (Weight is on R).
5&Make a 1/4 turn left and step L foot forward, step R beside L. (12.00)
6&Make a 1/4 turn left and step L foot forward, step R beside L. ( 9.00 )
7&Make a 1/4 turn left and step L foot forward, step R beside L. ( 6.00 )
8Make a 1/4 turn left and step L foot forward. ( 3.00 )
( counts 5 – 8 will be like a full circle left when danced )

Tag:16 counts
*S:1 Side rock, Behind side cross, Side rock, Behind side cross.
1-2Weight is on L. Rock R to right side, recover on to L.
3&4Step R behind L, Step L to left side, Cross step R over L.
5-6Rock L to left side, recover on to R.
7&8Step L behind R, Step R to right side, Cross step L over R.

**S2: Rock recover, Shuffle back, Back rock, Tripple full turn (1/2,1/2 Step)
1-2Rock R foot forward, recover on to L.
3&4Step R foot back, step L beside R, step R foot back.
5-6Rock back on L, recover on to R.
7&8Make a 1/2 turn right stepping back on L, make another 1/2 turn right stepping forward on R,
 step forward on L.

Phrasing of the Tag:
After wall 2. Facing 6.00. Do the whole 16 counts of the tag.
After wall 3. Facing 9.00. Do the first 8 counts of the tag. ( *S:1 )
After wall 5. Facing 3.00. Do the whole 16 counts of the tag.
After wall 6. Facing 6.00. Do the first 8 counts twice and then continue and do the rest of 8 counts of the tag.
(First 8+16 or *S:1+*S:1+**S:2)
Don´t worry, you can hear it in the music! ;-)

Ending: Last wall finishes facing 12.00. After the gallops, make an extra ballcross on & 1.
Step R beside L on the & count, and cross step L over R on count 1.


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