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Snakes Look To The Mountains

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Low Intermediate
Silvia Schill (DE) - March 2018
Snakes - Deva Mahal : (Video-Edition)
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The dance begins at two beats before vocals are used.

S1: Heel, Close R + L, ½ Monterey Turn R
1-2Touch right heel forward - step RF beside LF.
3-4Touch left heel forward - step LF beside RF
5-6Touch right toe right - ½ turn right and step RF beside LF (6 o'clock)
7-8Touch left toe left - step LF beside RF

S2: Heel, Close R + L, ½ Monterey Turn R
1-2Touch right heel forward - step RF beside LF.
3-4Touch left heel forward - step LF beside RF
5-6Touch right toe right - ½ turn right and step RF beside LF (12 o'clock)
7-8Touch left toe left - step LF beside RF

S3: Side, Close, Side, Touch with Clap, Side, Close, Side, Touch with Clap
1-2Step right to right - step LF beside RF (turn upper body slightly to right)
3-4Step right to right - touch LF beside RF and clap
5-6Step left to left - step RF beside LF (turn upper body slightly to left)
7-8Step left to left - touch RF beside LF and clap

S4: Diagonal Zig/Zag Step Touches Backwards, R + L 2x (with Snaps on the Touches)
1-2RF Step diagonally backwards, touch LF beside RF and snap
3-4LF Step diagonally backwards, touch RF beside LF and snap
5-6RF Step diagonally backwards, touch LF beside RF and snap
7-8LF Step diagonally backwards, touch RF beside LF and snap

S5: Vine R Turning ¼ R, Vine L
1-2Step right to right, cross LF behind RF
3-4¼ Turn right and step RF forward (3 o'clock) - touch LF beside RF
5-6Step left to left - cross RF behind LF
7-8Step left to left - touch RF beside LF

S6: Point, Touch, Point, Touch, Step R with Clap, Step L with Clap
1-2Touch RF to right, touch RF beside LF.
3-4Touch RF to right, touch RF beside LF.
5-6Step RF to right - touch LF beside RF while clapping down right
7-8Step LF to left - touch RF beside LF, clap up

S7: ½ Turn R/ Toe Strut Back, ½ Turn R/Toe Strut Forward, Rock Back, Step, Hold
1-2½ Turn right and step back with RF, just put your toe on (9 o'clock) - right heel go down and snap
3-4½ Turn right and step back with LF, just put your toe on (3 o'clock) – left heel go down and snap
5-6Step back with RF, lift LF slightly - weight back on LF
Restart: In the 6th round (6 o'clock), break off here and touch RF beside LF, hold and start again.
7-8RF Step forward and hold

S8: Stomp, Swivel Heel, Toe, Heel L + R
1-2LF stamp on diagonally left front - turn right heel towards left heel
3-4Turn right toe towards left heel - turn right heel towards left heel
5-8Same as 1-4, but in reverse starting with right - at the end weight on the LF

And don't forget to smile, because dancing is fun!
There is no guarantee for errors in the translation, content, spelling, etc.!



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