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My Beauty Freak

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Dwight Meessen (NL) - January 2021
My Beauty (feat. Malee) - Beauty Freak
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Intro 36 counts

S1: Side, Drag, Behind, Side, Cross, Point, Cross, Point
1-4RF step side, LF drag, LF behind, RF step side
5-8LF cross over, RF point side, RF cross over, LF point side [12]

S2: Cross, Hold, 1/4 L Back, Side, Cross, 1/4 R Back, 1/2 R Fwd, Kick
1-4LF cross over, hold, RF 1/4 left and step back, LF step side
5-8RF cross over, LF 1/4 right and step back, RF 1/2 right and step forward, LF kick forward [6]

S3: ⅛ R Rock Fwd Recover, Fwd, Flick, 1/4 L Rock Fwd Recover, Fwd, Kick
1-4LF ⅛ right and rock forward, RF recover, LF step forward, RF flick back
5-8RF 1/4 left and rock forward, LF recover, RF step forward, LF kick forward [4.30]

S4: Cross, Hold, Unwind ⅝ R/Sweep, Behind, Side, Cross Shuffle
1-4LF cross over, hold, L+R ⅝ turn right and sweep RF back in 2 counts
5-6RF behind, LF step side
7&8RF cross over, LF step side, RF cross over [12]

S5: Rock Side Recover 1/4 R, Shuffle Fwd, Cross, Side, Weave, Sweep
1-2LF rock side, RF 1/4 right recover
3&4LF step forward, RF step beside, LF step forward
5-8RF cross over, LF step side, RF behind, LF sweep back [3]

S6: Behind, Side, Cross, 1/4 L Back, Rock Back Recover, Shuffle Fwd
1-4LF behind, RF step side, LF cross over, RF 1/4 left and step back
5-6LF rock back, RF recover
7&8LF step forward, RF step beside, LF step forward [12]

S7: Weave, Point, Weave 1/4 L, Touch
1-4RF cross over, LF step side, RF behind, LF point side and turn body slighty right
5-8LF cross over, RF step side, LF 1/4 left and step back, RF touch beside [9]

S8: Fwd, Hold, Ball Fwd, Fwd, Pivot 1/4 L, Rock Across Recover
1-2RF step forward, hold
&3-4LF step beside on ball foot, RF step forward, LF step forward
5-6RF step forward, R+L 1/4 turn left
7-8RF rock across, LF recover [6]

Start again

TAG 1: After the 1st and 3rd wall:
Side, Touch (x2), Rock Side Recover, Cross, Unwind Full Turn L
1-4RF step side, LF touch beside, LF step side, RF touch beside
5-8RF rock side, LF recover, RF cross over, R+L full turn left

TAG 2: After the 4th wall:
Rock Side Recover, Cross, Unwind Full Turn L
1-4RF rock side, LF recover, RF cross over, R+L full turn left

Special thanks to Françoise Bernard for suggesting the music.

Last Update -10 Jan. 2021

2021 13 JAN 4 7 FEB '21 50


Tallulah58 January 9, 2021
Could you please put in the 1/4L and 3/4R turn in the second 8 counts of the dance and the step 1/2 pivot turn in the last 8 counts? It will make it so much easier when learning and teaching the dance (which I love by the way!), thank you.

Dwight Meessen January 9, 2021
Thank you for the mention, i will change it! And thank you for teaching :)

prbruce57 January 24, 2021
I love, love this dance and delighted to say that my class agrees. Another winner

Dwight Meessen January 24, 2021
Thank you so much ! :)

Selvin January 29, 2021
Nice Song and dance

prbruce57 March 25, 2021
Love it

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