Ultra Beginner
Intro: 2 counts from when he starts singing,
Start on the word color, 9 sec. into track, dance begins with weight on L
[1-8] Rocking chair, shuffle, fwd. rock
1-2-3-4(1) Rock fwd. on R, (2) recover onto L, (3) rock back on R, (4) recover onto L 12.00
5&6(5) Step fwd. on R, (&) step L next to R, (6) step fwd. on R 12.00
7-8(7) Rock fwd. on L, (8) recover onto R 12.00
[9-16] 1/4, touch, side, touch, side, together, shuffle fwd.
1-2-3-4(1) Turn 1/4 L stepping L to L, (2) touch R next to L, (3) step R to R, (4) touch L next to R 9.00
5-6(5) Step L to L, (6) step R next to L 9.00
7&8(7) Step fwd. on L, (&) step R next to L, (8) step fwd. on L 9.00
Start on the word color, 9 sec. into track, dance begins with weight on L
[1-8] Rocking chair, shuffle, fwd. rock
1-2-3-4(1) Rock fwd. on R, (2) recover onto L, (3) rock back on R, (4) recover onto L 12.00
5&6(5) Step fwd. on R, (&) step L next to R, (6) step fwd. on R 12.00
7-8(7) Rock fwd. on L, (8) recover onto R 12.00
[9-16] 1/4, touch, side, touch, side, together, shuffle fwd.
1-2-3-4(1) Turn 1/4 L stepping L to L, (2) touch R next to L, (3) step R to R, (4) touch L next to R 9.00
5-6(5) Step L to L, (6) step R next to L 9.00
7&8(7) Step fwd. on L, (&) step R next to L, (8) step fwd. on L 9.00