CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Fred Whitehouse (IRE) - August 2019
Limelight - Nicholas McDonald
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Intro – 16 Counts

Full Spiral Turn L, ¼ turn Run around, Sweep, Weave & Sweep, Rock Recover, Side Step, Step Fwd
1,2&3Step RF forward spiral full turn L weight on RF, curve ¼ turn L stepping L,R,L sweeping RF from back to front on count 3
4&5Cross R over L, L to L side, step R behind L sweeping LF
6&7Step LF behind R, step RF to R side, cross L over R rock to diagonal
8&1Recover weight on to R, step LF to L side, step RF to L diagonal 7.30

Pivot Turns x 2, Step Fwd, Walk Fwd x 2, Rock, Step Back x2, 3/8 Step R Fwd, 3/8 Chase Turn R, Step Fwd
&2&3½ turn L placing weight on L, step RF forward, ½ turn L placing weight on L, step RF forward 7.30
4&5Walk forward, L,R, Rock L forward
6&7Recover weight on to R, step LF back, 3/8 turn R stepping RF forward to 12.00
8&1Step LF forward, 3/8 turn R placing weight on R, step LF forward 4.30

Step Fwd R, Step L Fwd as you Raise R Leg Behind, Touch, 5/8 Sweep R, Rock Recover, Step back, ¼ Turn R Stepping R to R
2,3Step RF forward, step LF forward as you raise R leg behind reaching L arm up to top diagonal
4,5Touch RF next to L (arms come down) step RF to R square up to 6.00 make ½ turn R sweeping LF (should be facing 12.00)
6,7Rock LF forward, recover weight on to R
&8Step LF back, ¼ turn R stepping R to R side (3.00)

Sway x 2, ¼ Turn L Step LF Fwd, ½ Turn x2, Slow ½ Turn Rotation, Spiral R, Walk x2
1,2,3Sway L, sway R, ¼ turn L placing weight on LF
4&5½ turn L stepping LF back, ½ turn L stepping forward L, step RF forward (12.00)
6,7Slow pivot ½ turn L pointing LF forward keeping weight on R (this happens over counts 5,6 facing 6.00) full spiral turn placing weight on LF count 7 (6.00)
8&Step RF forward, step LF forward

½ Turn Diamond Fall Away, Rock Back, Recover, ¼ Turn R, ½ Turn R
1,2&Step RF to R side, step LF back 1/8 turn L on diagonal, step RF back diagonal
3,4&1/8 turn L stepping LF to L side, step RF forward diagonal, step LF forward diagonal
5,6,71/8 turn L stepping RF to R side, Rock LF back, recover weight on to R
8&¼ turn R stepping LF back, ½ turn R stepping RF forward

¼ Turn in to Diamond Fall Away L, Sway x2, Rock, Recover
1,2&¼ turn R stepping LF to L side, 1/8 turn R stepping RF back diagonal, step LF back on diagonal
3,4&1/8 turn R stepping RF to R side, 1/8 turn R stepping LF forward diagonal, step RF forward on diagonal
5,6,71/8 turn R stepping LF to L side*, sway R, sway L
8&Rock RF back, recover weight on L
(*Small change on wall 5, the last 4 counts, as you make 1/8 turn R stepping LF to L side, take out the TWO sways and just rock back recover to start the dance again.)



pepper October 20, 2019
Love it! Beautiful dance and beautiful music! Unfortunately couldn't find the right lyrics to match the song!!

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