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If I Were You

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Michelle Risley (UK) - January 2018
(I Wouldn't Go There) If I Were You - Cody Johnson : (Album: Cowboy Like Me)
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(Music download available from Amazon and iTunes)
(Start on vocals)

Crystal Boot Awards Teach 2018

Section 1: Rumba Box Forward, Back Kick x 2, Coaster Step, Brush
1 & 2Step right to side. Step left beside right. Step right forward.
3 & 4 &Step left to side. Step right beside left. Step left back. Low kick right forward.
5 & 6 &Step right back. Low kick left forward. Step left back. Low kick right forward.
7 & 8 &Step right back. Step left beside right. Step right forward. Brush left forward.
Option: Counts 7&8: Triple full turn right, stepping – right, left, right.

Section 2: Lock Step Brush Left Then Right, Pivot 1/4 Cross, Hinge 1/2 Cross
1 & 2 &Step left forward. Lock right behind left. Step left forward. Brush right forward.
3 & 4 &Step right forward. Lock left behind right. Step right forward. Brush left forward.
5 & 6Step left forward. Pivot 1/4 turn right. Cross left over right. (3:00)
7 &Turn 1/4 left stepping right back. Turn 1/4 left stepping left to side.
8Cross right over left. (9:00)

Section 3: Side Tap, Side Kick, Behind Side Cross, Side Strut, Cross Strut, Rock x 2
1 &Step left to side. Touch right beside left.
2 &Step right to side. Low kick left to left diagonal.
Note: Counts 1&2&: Sway hips, as Cody will sing ‘Hips Swaying’
3 & 4Cross left behind right. Step right to side. Cross left over right.
5 &Step right toe to side. Drop right heel taking weight.
6 &Cross left toe over right. Drop left heel taking weight.
7 & 8 &Rock right to side. Recover onto left. Rock right back. Recover onto left. (9:00)

Section 4: Step Pivot 1/2 Step, Chase Full Turn, Coaster Step, Monterey 1/4
1 & 2 &Step right forward. Pivot 1/2 turn left. Step right forward. Clap. (3:00)
3 &Step left forward. Pivot 1/2 turn right.
4Turn 1/2 right stepping left back and dragging right towards left. (3:00)
5 & 6Step right back. Step left beside right. Step right forward.
7 & 8Point left to side. Turn 1/4 left stepping left beside right. Point right to side.
&Touch right beside left. (12:00)
Restart: Wall 5: Start the dance again at this point (facing 12:00).

Section 5: Vine 1/2 Turn Brush, Vine 1/4 Turn Brush, Chase 1/2 Turn, Full Turn
1 &Step right to side. Cross left behind right
2 &Turn 1/2 right stepping right forward. Brush left forward. (6:00)
3 &Step left to side. Cross right behind left.
4 &Turn 1/4 left stepping left forward. Brush right forward. (3:00)
5 & 6Step right forward. Pivot 1/2 turn left. Step right forward. (9:00)
7 & 8Triple step full turn right, stepping - left, right, left. (9:00)
Note: Counts 7&8: full turn travels forward towards new wall.

TAG: End of Wall 2, facing 6:00: Step Clap, Step Clap, Rocking Chair
1 & 2 &Step right forward. Clap. Step left forward. Clap.
3 & 4 &Rock right forward. Recover onto left. Rock right back. Recover onto left.

Ending: Facing 12:00: Section 5 Count 36, Following Vine 1/4 Turn
Replace right brush forward with step right to side. Raise both arms, then lower them and finish with a Rock & Roll jump on the last beat of the music!

Tag: One easy 4-count Tag danced at the end of Wall 2
Restart: One Restart during Wall 5 after count 32


Kato February 3, 2018
Lovely upbeat improver dance. Well done Michelle.

Crouch February 9, 2018
Great imporover dance to a fab piece of music - well done Michelle, hope this does well for you!

Groovy Chick April 19, 2018
What an awesome dance, really upbeat and matches the music totally - wouldn't expect anything less from Michelle :)

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