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I Will Be There

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Amy Glass (USA) & Guillaume Richard (FR) - January 2020
I'll Be There - Walk Off the Earth : (2:49)
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#8 Count Intro; Dance starts on lyrics

[1-8] Side, Rock Back x2, Heel Grind /Mambo Steps with ¼ R x2
1-2&Step RF to R, Rock LF back behind RF, Recover weight fwd on RF
3-4&Step LF to L, Rock RF back behind LF, Recover weight fwd on LF
5&Grind R heel (fan toes from L to R), Step down on LF while turning ¼ R (3:00)
6&Rock back on RF, Recover weight forward on LF
7&8&Repeat steps 5&6& (**Styling: think of these 4 counts as Mambo steps pressing heels forward instead of toes) (6:00)

[9-16] Syncopated Side Rock x2, Point & Heel & Touch, Swivel, Swivel
1-2&Rock RF to R, Recover weight on LF, Close RF next to LF
3-4&Rock LF to L, Recover weight on RF, Close LF next to RF
5&Point R to R, Close RF next to LF
6&Touch L heel forward, Close LF next to RF
7&8Touch R toe forward, Keeping toes on floor, swivel R heel up/right, Swivel R heel to neutral

[17-24 ] Ball Cross with ¼ L, Hold, Out Out In Cross, Ball ¼ L, Step, Out Out, Knee Pop
&1-2Step RF down, Cross LF over RF while turning ¼ L, Hold (3:00)
&3&4Step RF out, Step LF out, Step RF to center, Cross LF over RF
&5Step RF to R, Step LF slightly fwd while turning ¼ L (12:00)
6Step RF forward
&7&8 Step LF out, Step RF out, Pop both knees by lifting heels, Replace heels to floor (weight slightly R)

[25-32] Cross Samba x2, Paddle ¾ L
1&2Cross RF over LF, Step LF to L, Step RF to R
3&4Cross LF over RF, Step RF to R, Step LF to L
5&6Step LF down and keeping in place, start ¾ paddle L pressing on ball of RF
&7&8Continue to pivot/paddle left (9:00)
(&) Make sure weight is on LF ready to start the dance to the R on count 1
**option: add small hip or shoulder rolls with the paddle turns

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