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Feels Like Carolina

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Darren Bailey (UK) - November 2020
Carolina - Parmalee : (Album: The Piano Sessions)
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Intro: 16 Counts.
Note: Clock numbers are the direction you should be facing after the step.

Step R, Touch, 1/4 turn L with Sweep, Cross, Side, Back Rock, Recover, Side L, 1/2 turn L, Cross.
1-2Step RF to R side, Touch LF next to RF
3-4&Make a 1/4 turn L and step forward on LF and sweep RF from back to front (9:00),Cross RF over LF, Step LF to L side
5-6Rock back on RF, Recover onto LF,
7-8&Step RF to R side, Make a 1/2 turn L and step LF to L side (3:00), Cross RF over LF
Restart here on Wall 6 (6:00)
When dancing the Restart you will need to make a slight alteration: After 8 counts face the back ready tostart the dance again. (do NOT dance the & count as you need weight on LF)

Nightclub Basic to L (slow), Full turn and a 1/4 running turn to L, Step with Sweep, Cross, Side,Touch Back.
1-2Step LF to L side, Close RF next to LF,
3-&4&Cross LF over RF, Make a 1/4 turn L and step back on RF (12:00), Make a 1/2 turn L and step forward on LF (6:00), Make a 1/4 turn L and step forward on RF,
5-6Make a 1/4 turn L and step forward on LF and sweep RF from back to front (12:00), Cross RF over LF
7-8Step LF to L side, Touch RF back
(Note:) Counts 3-5 should be danced as a curving step, making a circular movement to face the front.

Rock Back (with Look), Recover, Full turn L with Sweep, Cross, Side, 1/4 turn R, Sway x3 (R, L, R), Step, Out.
1-2&Rock back on RF and look over R shoulder, Recover onto LF and look forward, make a 1/2 turn L and step back on RF (6:00)
3-4&Make a 1/2 turn L and step forward on RF sweeping RF from back to front (12:00), Cross RF over LF, Step LF to L side
5-6Make a 1/4 turn R and step RF to R side (Sway to R) (3:00), Sway to LF
7-8&Sway to R (changing angle to 4:30), Step forward on LF, Step out on RF

Out, Touch Behind (with body Collapse), Side, Rock, Recover, Side, Behind, Forward, 3/4 turn L
1-2Step out on LF (still facing 4:30), Touch RF behind LF (collapsing body slightly)
3-4&Take a big step to R with RF, Rock back on LF, Recover onto RF (turning slightly to face 6:00)
5-6&Take a big step to the L with LF, Cross RF behind LF, Make a 1/4 turn L and step forward on LF (3:00)
7-8Step forward on RF, Make a 3/4 turn L taking weight onto LF (6:00)
(If you find a 3/4 turn difficult you make make a 1/2 turn then add the extra 1/4 to start the dance)

Tag (after wall number 2, you will be facing 12:00) Sway R, Sway L, Slow Full turn R.
1-2Step RF to R side and sway to R, Sway to L
3-4Make a 1/4 turn R and step forward on RF (3:00), Make a 1/2 turn R and step back on LF, (9:00),
To start the dance again make a 1/4 turn R to Face (12:00).

2020 21 NOV 1


Tina M. November 14, 2020
Definitely a pandemic lockdown favorite! Spare and beautiful, and lovely to dance!

Dwi Astutiningsih November 16, 2020
Love it

MERMAIDTALES November 21, 2020
To be honest the music was a slower burner, now I am into Parmalee's music. But oh mi Daren Bailey your artistic interpretation is just wonderful thank you

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