CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Far From the Tree

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Paul James (UK) & Jannie Tofte Stoian (DK) - June 2016
Piece by Piece (Idol Version) - Kelly Clarkson : (iTunes)
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Intro: No intro! Start on the very first “pling” of the piano

**2 EASY Tags (see bottom for details)
*1 “mid-start” – start 3rd wall midway through (count 33)

Note: Don’t worry about the “a” counts – the music is really slow. Follow the piano for these counts

[1-8] Step ¼ R, ¼ L, ½ L, Run x3 look, Step full turn R, ¼ R – basic L
1-2Step L fw, turn ¼ R stepping onto R 03:00
&3Turn ¼ L stepping onto L (reverse turn), turn ½ L stepping R back 06:00
4&5Run back L, R, L
Note: when stepping last step L, open body and look back over your L shoulder 06:00
6&aStep fw R, turn ½ R stepping L back, turn ½ R stepping R fw 06:00
7-8&Turn ¼ R stepping L to L side, close R behind L, cross L over R 09:00
[9-16] ¼ L coaster cross, Side rock cross, Side sweep, Sailor cross ¾ L, Ball cross shuffle point, Triple full R
1&2Turn ¼ L stepping R back, step L next to R, cross R over L 06:00
&3&Rock L to L side, recover onto R, cross L over R 06:00
4Step R to R side sweeping L CCW 06:00
&a5Cross L behind R, turn ½ L stepping R slightly back, turn ¼ L crossing L over R 09:00
&6&aStep R (a small) step to R side, cross L over R, step R to R side, cross L over R 09:00
7Point R to R side 09:00
8&aTriple R,L,R full turn R 09:00
[17-24] Sweep, Weave, Lunge recover cross, ½ R hinge, Side cross, Sway x3
1Sweep L CW (you will start the sweep on the last step of the triple turn in the previous 8) 09:00
&2&Cross L over R, step R to R side, cross L behind R 09:00
3-4&Small lunge R, recover onto L, cross R over L 09:00
5-6&Step L to L side while turning ½ R, step down on R, cross L over R 03:00
7-8&Step R to R side swaying R, sway L, sway R 03:00
[25-32] Side, Cross ¼ R back rock, ½ L back rock, Sway x3, Run x2
1Step L to L side 03:00
2&3Cross R over L, turn ¼ R stepping L back, rock R back 06:00
4&5Recover onto L, turn ½ L stepping R back, rock L back 12:00
6&7Recover onto R as you sway fw, sway weight back onto L, sway weight fw onto R 12:00
8&Run fw L, R 12:00
[33-40] Rocking chair, Step ½ R, Step collect with scoop, Back rondé, Arabesque, Cross
(Start wall 3 from here)
1&2&Rock L fw, recover onto R, rock L back, recover onto R 12:00
3&Step L fw, turn ½ R stepping onto R 06:00
4&Step L slightly fw, step R next to L
Styling: when stepping fw bend your knees and take both arms down below waist and then raise up (scooping something up) when you collect R) 06:00
5-6Step L back while doing a full circle ronde CW with your R, repeat ronde with R 06:00
7-8Step R to R side while lifting up on ball of R and lifting L slightly off the ground, cross L over R
Styling: When on ball of R reach R arm diagonally up, extending your body line, and your L arm down parallel to you L leg 06:00
[41-48] Point x3, ½ R point, Full spiral L, Walk x2, Step ½ R step ½ L sweep, Run x2
1&2Point R to R side, cross point R over L, point R to R side (prep body L) 06:00
&3Step R next to L while turning ½ R, point L to L side (like a Monterey turn) (prep body R) 12:00
4&5Full spiral L on your R (weight ends R), step L fw, step R fw 12:00
6&7Step L fw, turn ½ R stepping onto R, step L fw and sweep ½ L with R 12:00
8&Run fw R, L 12:00
[49-56] ½ Diamond box, Side cross ¼ L, Reach collapse
1Step R to R side (towards R diagonal) 10:30
2&3Run back L, R, turn ¼ L stepping L fw 07:30
4&5Run fw R, L, turn ¼ L stepping R back 04:30
6&7Turn ⅛ L stepping L to L side, cross R over L, turn ¼ L stepping L fw 12:00
8&Step R next to L rising on the balls of both feet, sink down on flat foot and bend knees
Styling: When rising up lift both arms straight up reaching, pull arms down towards chest when collapsing 12:00
[57-64] Diagonal R basic, ⅜ L, Step ½ L, R basic, L lunge, Rolling Vine
1-2&Step R to R side (towards R diagonal), close L behind R, cross R over L 10:30
3Turn ⅜ L stepping L fw 06:00
4&Step R fw, turn ½ L stepping onto L 12:00
5-6&Step R to R side, close L behind R, cross R over L 12:00
7Lunge L to L side 12:00
8&aRecover onto R while turning ¼ R, turn ½ R stepping L back, turn ¼ R stepping R to R side 12:00
[65-68] Cross rock side x2
1-2&Cross L over R, recover onto R, step L to L side 12:00
3-4&Cross R over L, recover onto L, step R to R side 12:00
TAG: after wall 2 & 3 – REPEAT THE LAST 4 COUNTS
Cross rock side x2
1-2&Cross L over R, recover onto R, step L to L side 12:00
3-4&Cross R over L, recover onto L, step R to R side 12:00
Ending: The dance finishes after your 3rd wall. Do the tag and then cross L over R for a full turn R, sweeping R CW

Good luck & enjoy!

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Jessica πŸ­πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ August 22, 2016
Love this! So,so beautiful.Great job Jannie & Paul.

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