CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Especially for You

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Intermediate / Advanced NC
Simon Ward (AUS) & Niels Poulsen (DK) - June 2022
Your Song - Lady Gaga : (Buy on iTunes etc)
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Intro: 8 counts from beginning of track. App. 7 secs. into track. Start with weight on R foot
*1 bridge (twice): On walls 3 and 7, after 24 counts. See detailed description at bottom of sheet
*1 restart: Comes once only, on wall 4 (starts facing 6:00), after counts 8&, facing 6:00

[1 – 9] Back sweep, behind side cross, side rock ¼ R, monterey ¾ R, cross side tog. 1/8 L
1Step back on L sweeping R out to R side (1) 12:00
2&3Cross R behind L (2), step L to L side (&), cross R over L (3) 12:00
4&5Rock L to L side (4), recover on R turning ¼ R (&), step L fwd (5) 3:00
6 – 7Point R to R side (6), turn ¾ R on L stepping down on R sweeping L fwd (7) 12:00
8&1Cross L over R (8), step R to R side (&) (* restart here on wall 4), turn 1/8 L stepping L next to R (1) 10:30

[10 – 16] Weave sweep, behind ¼ fwd, walk, step turn step
2&3Cross R over L (2), step L to L side (&), cross R behind L sweeping L out to L side (3) 10:30
4&5Cross L behind R (4), turn ¼ R stepping R fwd (&), step L fwd opening body up to R side (5) 1:30
6Walk R fwd opening body up to L side (6) 1:30
7&8Step L fwd (7), turn ½ R onto R (&), step L fwd (8) 7:30

[17 – 24] Full spiral L, run run run with prep, 1 ½ turn R sweep, jazz box ¼ L into L back rock
1Step R fwd spiralling a full turn L (1) 7:30
2&3Run L fwd (2), run R fwd (&), run L fwd but also prepping body to L side (3) 7:30
4&5Turn ½ R stepping down on R (4), turn ½ R stepping L back (&), turn ½ R stepping R fwd sweeping L fwd at the same time (5) 1:30
6&Cross L over R (6), turn ¼ L stepping back on R (&) 10:30
7 – 8Rock back on L (7), recover on R (8) … * bridge comes here on wall 3 and 7 10:30

[25 – 34] Full turn R, ½ turn rock, recover & cross 1/8 L, side rock ¼ R, fwd R, step turn, full turn
&1Turn ½ R stepping back on L (&), turn ½ R stepping R fwd (1) 10:30
2&3Step L fwd (2), turn ½ R onto R (&), rock L fwd (3) 4:30
4&5Recover back on R (4), turn 1/8 L stepping L to L side (&), cross R over L (5) 3:00
6&7 – 8Rock L to L side (6), recover on R turning ¼ R (&), step L fwd opening body up to R side (7), step R fwd opening body up to L side (8) 6:00
9&10&Step L fwd (9), turn ½ R stepping down on R (&), turn ½ R stepping back on L (10), turn ½ R stepping fwd on R (&). …
Note: to start the dance from the top again you must turn another ½ R stepping back on L sweeping R out to R side on count 1 - now facing 6:00

Start again

Bridge - The bridge is only 2 counts. It comes twice in the dance, on wall 3 (facing 10:30) and wall 7
(facing 4:30). The bridge comes after count 24 both times: L back rock (1), recover on R (2)
… Note: Basically, the bridge is a repeat of the L back rock on counts 23-24

Ending Wall 9 is your last wall (starts facing 6:00). Do up to count 4& in the first section, now facing 9:00.
The ending is simple: turn ¼ R stepping L a big step to L side dragging R next to it 12:00

2022 25 JUN 1 4 JUL '22 50


Glories June 19, 2022
Vote 1 from indonesia

Chandrani June 25, 2022
Love it 💜

DancingQueen October 11, 2023
Fantastic dance to a lovely track.

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