CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Don't Get Burned

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Kairit Linnaste (USA) - August 2017
Gasoline - Halsey : (3:17)
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Dance pattern: A, tag1, B, tag2, A 32 counts, tag1, B, tag2

Special beginning, starts after 16 sec. Steps are slow
1-2-3-4step RF forward, hold 2 counts
5-6-7-8touch LF beside R, hold 2 counts
1-2-3-4step LF to L side, hold 2 counts
5-6-7-8step RF together, hold 2 counts
1-2-3-4step LF back, hold 2 counts
5-6-7-8touch RF beside L, hold 2 counts
1-2-3-4step RF to R side, hold 2 counts
5-6-7-8step LF together, hold 2 counts

A PART 64 counts (starts with vocals)
3 runs forward, hitch, 3 runs back with ¼ turn left, hold
1-2-3run forward R-L-R
4L hitch
5-6-7run back L-R, ¼ turn left stepping LF to L side

2 X rock, ½ turn with sweep hitch cross, together, heel twists to right
1-2rock onto RF and onto LF
3-4turn ½ to R on RF sweeping LF around, end sweep with hitch in front of RF
5-6step LF across RF, step RF beside LF
7-8twist both heels up to right, twist heels down back in center

3 runs forward, hitch, 3 runs back with ¼ turn left, hold
1-2-3run forward R-L-R
4L hitch
5-6-7run back L-R, ¼ turn left stepping LF to L side

2 x rock, step to side, drag, together, cross, step, hold
1-2rock onto RF and onto LF
3-4RF long step to right, drag LF towards to RF
5,6,7step LF beside RF, Step RF across LF, step LF to L side
* second time you dancing A on a count 8 touch RF beside LF

Back rock step, touch flick ¼ turn L, step-lock-step, hold
1-2rock RF back, recover onto LF
3-4touch RF forward, turn ¼ left flicking RF back
5-6-7step RF fwd, lock LF behind RF, step RF fwd

Side rock together, hold, back rock ¼ turn step, hold
1-2-3Rock LF to L, recover onto RF, step LF beside RF
5-6-7rock RF back, recover onto LF, turn ¼ to L stepping RF beside LF

Back rock side, behind side, rocking chair
1-2-3rock LF back, recover onto RF, step LF to L side
4-5step RF behind LF, step LF to L side
6-7rock RF fwd, recover onto LF
8-1rock RF back, recover onto LF

Step ½ pivot step, step ½ pivot together, hold
2-3-4step RF fwd, ½ turn left onto LF, step RF fwd
5-6-7step LF fwd, ½ turn right onto RF, Step LF together

TAG1 16 counts
Box movement with ¼ turn right, step
1-2step RF fwd, touch LF beside
3-4step LF to L side, step RF together
5-6step LF back, touch RF beside
7-8turn ¼ R stepping RF fwd, step LF fwd

Step, touch, step back turning ¼ right, touch, 2 x step touch
1-2step RF fwd, touch LF beside
3-4turn ¼ R stepping LF back, touch RF beside
5-6step RF to R side, touch LF beside
7-8step LF to L side, touch RF together

B PART 64 counts
Rock, ½ turn rock R, ½ turn rock L, ½ turn R step, hold
1-2rock RF fwd, recover to LF
3-4turn ½ R rock RF fwd, recover to LF
5-6turn ½ L rock RF fwd, recover to LF
7turn ½ R stepping RF fwd

Step ½ pivot turn R, ½ turn, sweep, weave, kick
1-2step LF fwd, turn ½ to R weight to RF
3-4turn 1/2 R stepping LF back, sweep RF front to back
5-6-7step RF behind LF, step LF to L side, step RF across LF
8high kick LF to left diagonal (4:30)

Weave, kick-flick, walk 2 steps fwd, hold
1-2-3step LF behind RF, step RF to R side, step LF across RF
4-5low RF kick to right diagonal (7:30), flick RF as you turn 3/8 L (3:00)
6-7step RF fwd, step LF fwd

Step ½ pivot step, together, 7/8 turn right with body movement
1-2-3step RF fwd, pivot ½ turn L, step RF fwd
4step LF beside RF, cross hands on your chest
5-6-7On toes turn 7/8 to R moving your upper body in circle-like motion, hands are still on your chest (7:30)
8bring your heels down and release your hands

2 x runs, rock step, lean back, hold (This part is like running towards something, but that some-thing explodes and you lean back to not get hit by)
1-2Run fwd R-L (7:30)
3-4rock RF fwd bring both of your hands forward like catching something
5-6-7recover weight onto LF and lean slowly back from upper body opening your chest and extending your hands smoothly to both side
8Recover your upper body (weight is still on LF)

Step together step, hold, sailor ½ turn left, hold
1-2-3step RF fwd, step LF together, step RF fwd
5-6-7step LF cross behind RF, turn ½ to L stepping onto RF, step LF fwd (1:30)

2 x runs, rock step, lean back, hold (This part is like running towards something, but that some-thing explodes and you lean back to not get hit by)
1-2Run fwd R-L (1:30)
3-4rock RF fwd bring both of your hands forward like catching something
5-6-7recover weight onto LF and lean slowly back from upper body opening your chest and extending your hands smoothly to both side
8Recover your upper body (weight is still on LF)

Step together step, hold, sailor ½ turn cross, hold
1-2-3step RF fwd, step LF together, step RF fwd
5-6-7step LF cross behind RF, turn ½ turn to L stepping onto RF, step LF across RF Turn a little bit more than ½ this time to end up (6:00)

TAG2 32 counts
Side rock step together, hold, Side rock step together, hold
1-2-3rock RF to right side, recover onto LF, step RF together
5-6-7rock LF to right side, recover onto RF, step LF together

Rock back, step, hold, rock back, step, hold
1-2rock RF back, recover onto LF, step RF together
5-6rock LF back, recover onto RF, step LF

Hand motions
1-2bring your right hand forward to head level, elbow down, palm looking to face
3-4bring your left hand forward to head level, elbow down, palm looking to face
5-6bring both hands together
7-8bring hands close to your mouth

1-2-3-4breath warm breath onto your hands like you are warming them
5-6-7bring hands apart to your sides, palms up
8bring hands to your heart, palms facing chest

Second time when you are dancing part A you do it only 32 counts and on count 32 you touch RF beside LF and will start with Tag1

Enjoy and Good Luck!



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