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Rob Fowler (ES) - July 2021
Corn - Blake Shelton : (Album: Body Language))
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Intro: 8 counts (approx. 6 secs)

S1: Walk Right, Left, Right Mambo Forward, Left Lock Back, Right Coaster
1,2Walk forward Right, Left
3&4Rock Right forward, recover on Left, step Right beside Left
5&6Step back on Left, lock Right over Left, step back on Left
7&8Step back on Right, step Left beside Right, step forward on Right - 12:00

S2: Left Side Rock Cross, Right Side Rock Cross, Step Left, Pivot ¼ Right, Weave Right
1&2Rock Left to left side, recover on Right, cross Left over Right
3&4Rock Right to right side, recover on Left, cross Right over Left
5&6Step forward on Left, make ¼ turn Right (weight on Right), cross Left over Right
&7&8Step Right to right side, step Left behind Right, step Right to right side, cross Left over Right - 3:00
RESTART: During Wall 4 restart here facing 6:00

S3: Right Rumba Box Forward, Walk Back Right (Click), Left (Click), Right Coaster
1&2Step Right to right side, step Left beside Right, step forward on Right
3&4Step Left to left side, step Right beside Left, step back on Left
5&6&Walk back Right, click/snap fingers, walk back Left, click/snap fingers
7&8Step back on Right, step Left beside Right, step forward on Right - 3:00

S4: Left Lock Forward, Chase ½ Turn Left, Full Turn Right, Run Left Right Left
1&2Step forward on Left, lock Right behind Left, step forward on Left
3&4Step forward on Right, make ½ turn Left (weight forward on Left), step forward on Right - 9:00
5,6Make ½ turn right stepping back on Left, make ½ turn right stepping forward on Right (Non-turning option: Walk forward Left, Right)
7&8Run forward on Left, Right, Left

Start Over

2021 9 SEP 5 3 DEC '21 50


Janur July 29, 2021
Surprised that the restart isn't during wall 3. I think that would fit the music better.

catman July 29, 2021
I agree--maybe it's a typo?

catman July 29, 2021
Well, now I'm totally confused. I get 32, 16, 32, 32, 32, 16, 24, 32, 16, then one count at the end. The two 16s cancel out so no restart is strictly necessary because it goes back on phrase. At that point there are only two more rotations plus 8, so they could be danced through. Maybe Rob was thinking about where it ended? I think I'll just skip this one.

Belfastdave July 30, 2021
A fantastic dance by a fantastic choreographer and instructor......on my teach list...
.great choreography Rob

DanseNina July 31, 2021
Janur/catman - I don't agree with you. Even though the routine is 32 counts, it's made in 2x16, and the restart is placed very cleverly - and easy to hear - before the chorus, to avoid several restarts and ride the rather unphrased last part of the song (16, 24,32,16) in a good way. That works well in my ears. I find the choreography very professional made and hope many instructors will teach it.

Rancher July 31, 2021
DanseNina, I agree, corn is cleverly choreographed, I’ve taught it without any issues, fantastic dance !

Rapper August 1, 2021
Music strongly hints at a restart during wall 3, but it is what it is and we will dance it as such. Either way the dance would be identical from the 6 o' clock wall. Great song.

Pony Chen August 10, 2021

Pony Chen August 13, 2021

Nigel H (Spain) October 9, 2021
Taught and danced as written - nice dance, fun song and my class liked it.

Julie Gillmore October 22, 2021
My dancers and I love this dance, I get the restart thing but it's definitely worth it and it does fit well once you know the song

elvecioleon November 6, 2023
I agree with Janur.

elvecioleon November 6, 2023
By listening to the song and rehearsing the choreography with the indicated restart, no further restarts are needed as the choreography starts naturally from the first sequence.
So if you move the restart to the point also indicated by Janur (and in my opinion you can hear it more) no further restarts are needed.

Dudeofdixie September 12, 2024
Doing the restart at the better wall for the music (wall 3) is so so so much better. Who cares if you dance across the chorus or not, those parts aren't musically different from the verses.

If everyone is concerned for "matching" moves with the music, then the restart should have been on eall 3 the entire time.

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