CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Stephen Paterson (AUS) - October 2020
Before The Next Teardrop Falls (feat. David Hidalgo) - Dolly Parton : (Album: The Collection)
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Start dance after 16 count instrumental intro - No Tags or Restarts

[1-8] Step R Across, L Side Shuffle, Rock R Back, Recover, Shuffle Quarter L, Rock L Back
1Step right across left
2 & 3Step left out to side, step right beside left (&), step left out to side (side shuffle left)
4 5Rock step right behind left, recover forward onto left in place
6 & 7Step right out to side, turn 1/8 left then step left beside right (&), turn 1/8 left then step right back (shuffle with 1/4 turn left) - 9.00
8Rock step left back
[9-16] Recover, Cross Samba, Cross, Back, Quarter, Shuffle with Quarter, Eighth Forward
1Recover weight forward onto right in place
2 & 3Step left slightly across right, rock step right out to side (&), recover weight onto left in place (cross samba)
4 5Step right across left, step left back
6 & 7Turn 1/4 right then step right out to side, step left beside right (&), turn 1/4 right then step right forward (shuffle with 1/4 turn right) - 3.00
8Turn 1/8 right then step left forward (this is starting a 1/4 right walk around arc) - 4.30
[17-24] Eighth Forward R, Hold, Together , Rock R Forward, Recover, Back, Cross, Back, Quarter Side
1Turn 1/8 right then step right forward (this completes the 1/4 right walk around arc) - 6.00
2 & 3Hold, step left beside right (&), rock step right forward
4 5Recover weight back onto left in place, step right back on 45
6 7Lock step left across right, step right back on 45
8Turn 1/4 left then step left out to side - 3.00

[25-32] Rock R Across, Recover, Side, Rock L Across, Recover, Quarter, Step, Pivot Quarter L
1 2 3Rock step right across left, recover back onto left in place, step right out to side
4 5 6Rock step left across right, recover back onto right in place, turn 1/4 left then step left forward - 12.00
7 8Step forward right, pivot 1/4 left taking weight onto left in place - 9.00
ENDING: On last wall, (wall 10, starting at 9.00) dance up to count 24 then drag the right together
This will be at around 3 minutes 20 seconds. The track then carries on with a slow reprise.
Feel free to stop the music or listen util the end.

This is an original dance sheet, feel free to copy without change for distribution

LDSP - Stephen Paterson Mob: 0438 695 494, email:

2021 9 JAN 1 13 FEB '21 50


brenda b January 2, 2021
Love this lovely little dance Stephen. Thanks for all the happiness online in 2020

brenda b January 8, 2021
Such a trill to see it at number 2

Allie T January 9, 2021
The dance is as well appreciated as the choreographer! Thanks, Stephen!💕

Kaylene January 9, 2021
What a beautiful little dance!! Very achievable by all!!

brenda b January 9, 2021
Congratulations on reaching number 1 Stephen with this little dance . I really like the song and the dance, we'll done !

Pony Chen January 15, 2021

MERMAIDSANDWALES February 13, 2022
Hi Stephen . It's now February 2022 . Where has the time gone when you first released this lovely dance. to now 2022....To be honest here on our piece of coastline Wales (UK) we have never stopped dancing it.....Four friends we danced together in a bubble ,when restrictions lifted and full lockdowns were inforced we still practised in our own living space. Thank you for being one of the few professionals who kept giving and working it meant alot ...

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