Easy Intermediate
Start 32 counts in on the vocals (0:12)
(1-8) Toe, Heel, Cross Rock Step, Step, Scuff, Step, Touch
1,2 Touch Rt toe in next to Lt, Touch Rt heel diagonally fwd Rt
3,4 Rock Rt in front of Lt, Replace weight Lt
5,6 Step Rt fwd, Scuff Lt fwd
7,8 Step Lt fwd, Touch Rt behind Lt heel
(9-16) Back, Kick, Back, Kick, Back, Together, Side, Cross
1,2 Step Rt back, Kick Lt fwd (snap)
3,4 Step back Lt, Kick Rt fwd (snap)
5,6 Step back Rt, Step Lt next to Rt
7,8 Step Rt to Rt, Cross Lt in front of Rt
(17-24) Rock, Replace, In front, Side, Behind, ¼ Turn, Step, ½ Turn
1,2 Rock Rt to Rt, Step Lt in place
3,4 Cross Rt in front of Lt, Step Lt to Lt
5,6 Step Rt behind Lt, Make ¼ turn Lt stepping fwd Lt (9:00)
7,8 Step Rt fwd, Make ½ turn Lt (weight Lt) (3:00)
(25-32) Touch ½ Turn, Touch ¼ Turn, Heel Grind, Heel Grind
1,2 Make ½ turn Lt touching Rt Toe back, Step down on Rt (9:00)
3,4 Make ¼ turn Lt touching Lt Toe to Lt side, Step down on Lt (6:00)
5,6 Cross Rt heel over Lt, Grind Rt heel to Rt stepping Lt to Lt
7,8 Cross Rt heel over Lt, Grind Rt heel to Rt stepping Lt to Lt
(33-40) Cross, Side, Heel, Step, Cross, Side, Heel, Step (Vauderville)
1,2 Cross Rt in front of Lt, Step Lt to Lt
3,4 Present Rt heel fwd diagonally Rt (7:00), Step Rt next to Lt
5,6 Cross Lt in front of Rt, Step Rt to Rt
7,8 Present Lt heel fwd diagonally Lt (5:00), Step Lt next to Rt
(41-48) Cross, Back, Back, Cross, Back, ¼ Turn, Stomp, Stomp
1,2 Cross Rt in front of Lt, Step Lt back
3,4 Step Rt back, Cross Lt in front of Rt
5,6 Step Rt back, Make ¼ turn Lt stepping Lt to Lt (3:00)
7,8 Stomp Rt in place, Stomp Lt in place
Restart Here #
(49-56) Chasse Rt, Stomp, Stomp, Chasse Lt, Rock Step
1&2 Step Rt to Rt, Step Lt next to Rt, Step Rt to Rt
3,4 Stomp Lt in place, Stomp Rt in place
5&6 Step Lt to Lt, Step Rt next to Lt, Step Lt to Lt
7,8 Rock Rt back, Replace weight Lt
(57-64) Touch Rt, Hold, & Lt, Hold, & Rt, & Lt, & Rt, Hold
1,2 Touch Rt to Rt, Hold
&3,4 Step Rt next to Lt, Touch Lt to Lt, Hold
&5&6 Step Lt next to Rt, Touch Rt to Rt, Step Rt next to Lt, Touch Lt to Lt
&7,8 Step Lt next to Rt, Touch Rt to Rt, Hold
# Restart: 5th Repetition facing (12:00). Dance 48 counts up to the stomp, stomp.
Your be facing (3:00) when you restart.
Co-choreographers: (02.10)
Jo & John Kinser Email: Website:
Mark Furnell Email: Website:
(1-8) Toe, Heel, Cross Rock Step, Step, Scuff, Step, Touch
1,2 Touch Rt toe in next to Lt, Touch Rt heel diagonally fwd Rt
3,4 Rock Rt in front of Lt, Replace weight Lt
5,6 Step Rt fwd, Scuff Lt fwd
7,8 Step Lt fwd, Touch Rt behind Lt heel
(9-16) Back, Kick, Back, Kick, Back, Together, Side, Cross
1,2 Step Rt back, Kick Lt fwd (snap)
3,4 Step back Lt, Kick Rt fwd (snap)
5,6 Step back Rt, Step Lt next to Rt
7,8 Step Rt to Rt, Cross Lt in front of Rt
(17-24) Rock, Replace, In front, Side, Behind, ¼ Turn, Step, ½ Turn
1,2 Rock Rt to Rt, Step Lt in place
3,4 Cross Rt in front of Lt, Step Lt to Lt
5,6 Step Rt behind Lt, Make ¼ turn Lt stepping fwd Lt (9:00)
7,8 Step Rt fwd, Make ½ turn Lt (weight Lt) (3:00)
(25-32) Touch ½ Turn, Touch ¼ Turn, Heel Grind, Heel Grind
1,2 Make ½ turn Lt touching Rt Toe back, Step down on Rt (9:00)
3,4 Make ¼ turn Lt touching Lt Toe to Lt side, Step down on Lt (6:00)
5,6 Cross Rt heel over Lt, Grind Rt heel to Rt stepping Lt to Lt
7,8 Cross Rt heel over Lt, Grind Rt heel to Rt stepping Lt to Lt
(33-40) Cross, Side, Heel, Step, Cross, Side, Heel, Step (Vauderville)
1,2 Cross Rt in front of Lt, Step Lt to Lt
3,4 Present Rt heel fwd diagonally Rt (7:00), Step Rt next to Lt
5,6 Cross Lt in front of Rt, Step Rt to Rt
7,8 Present Lt heel fwd diagonally Lt (5:00), Step Lt next to Rt
(41-48) Cross, Back, Back, Cross, Back, ¼ Turn, Stomp, Stomp
1,2 Cross Rt in front of Lt, Step Lt back
3,4 Step Rt back, Cross Lt in front of Rt
5,6 Step Rt back, Make ¼ turn Lt stepping Lt to Lt (3:00)
7,8 Stomp Rt in place, Stomp Lt in place
Restart Here #
(49-56) Chasse Rt, Stomp, Stomp, Chasse Lt, Rock Step
1&2 Step Rt to Rt, Step Lt next to Rt, Step Rt to Rt
3,4 Stomp Lt in place, Stomp Rt in place
5&6 Step Lt to Lt, Step Rt next to Lt, Step Lt to Lt
7,8 Rock Rt back, Replace weight Lt
(57-64) Touch Rt, Hold, & Lt, Hold, & Rt, & Lt, & Rt, Hold
1,2 Touch Rt to Rt, Hold
&3,4 Step Rt next to Lt, Touch Lt to Lt, Hold
&5&6 Step Lt next to Rt, Touch Rt to Rt, Step Rt next to Lt, Touch Lt to Lt
&7,8 Step Lt next to Rt, Touch Rt to Rt, Hold
# Restart: 5th Repetition facing (12:00). Dance 48 counts up to the stomp, stomp.
Your be facing (3:00) when you restart.
Co-choreographers: (02.10)
Jo & John Kinser Email: Website:
Mark Furnell Email: Website: