CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Beyond Beautiful

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Intermediate NC2S
Julia Wetzel (USA) - June 2018
Intro: 8 counts from start of Nightclub rhythm. Start dance on lyrics “time” (8 sec. into track)
Note: No Tags/Restarts
Recognition: I would like to credit well-known SF Bay Area instructor Bob Boesel for naming the ”Crooked Vine” step
Dedication: Choreographed for the NTLDC 2018 Event
[1 – 8] Basic R, Basic L, ¼ Arc Walk R L R, Step, Pivot ½
1, 2&Step R to right side (1), Close L behind R (2), Cross R over L (&) 12:00
3, 4&Step L to left side (3), Close R behind L (4), Cross L over R (&) 12:00
5 - 7Step R fw to right diag. and continue walking L R in a CW arc pattern towards 3:00 (5-7) 3:00
8&Step L fw (8), Pivot ½ turn right step R fw (&) 9:00
[9 – 16] ½ Sweep, Behind, Side, Cross Rock, Back, Back Touch, 3/8, Weave, ¼
1, 2&½ Turn right step L back sweep R from front to back (1), Step R behind L (2), Step L to left side (&) 3:00
3, 4&Cross rock R over L (3), Recover on L but stay facing left diag (1:30) (4), Step R back (&) 1:30
5, 6Extend L leg back and touch ball of L back (1:30) (5), 3/8 Turn left square up to 9:00 placing weight on L (6) 9:00
Optional Styling: Reach L arm fw (5), Turn palm up closing hand and pull hand in (6)
7&8&Cross R over L (7), Step L to left side (&), Step R behind L (8), ¼ Turn left step L fw (&) 6:00
[17- 24] Spiral, Run, Run, Step, Step, Pivot ½, Prissy Walk, Crooked Vine
1, 2&Step R fw and spiral full turn left on R (1), Sm. step L fw (2), Sm. step R fw (&)
Non-turning Option: Step R fw (1) 6:00
3, 4&Step L fw (3), Step R fw (4), Pivot ½ turn left weight on L (&) 12:00
5, 6Cross R over L open body to left diag. (5), Cross L over R open body to right diag. (6) 12:00
7&8&¼ Turn left step R to right side (7), Step L behind R (&), ¼ Turn right step R fw (8), ¼ Turn right step L to left side (&) 3:00
Style: Body is traveling towards 12:00 during Crooked Vine
[25 – 32] Sweep, Behind, Side, Cross, Side Rock, Cross, Side, Touch, Rolling Turn, Cross
1, 2&Step R behind L and sweep L from front to back (1), Step L behind R (2), Step R to right side (&) 3:00
3, 4&Cross L over R (3), Rock R to right side (4), Recover on L (&) 3:00
5, 6&Cross R over L (5), Step L to left side (6), Touch R next to L (&) 3:00
7&8&¼ Turn right step R fw (7), ½ Turn right step L back (&), ¼ Turn right step R to right side (8), Cross L over R (&) 3:00
Non-turing Option (Vine) : R to right side (7), L behind R (&), R to right side (8), Cross L over R (&)
Ending: At the end of Wall 8, dance up to Count 29 (Cross R over L) facing 12:00, take big step L to left side dragging R to L as Elton drags out the lyrics “look”, then finish the dance with a rolling turn right as normal or make a double rolling turn right as he sings “tonight”



Happy Feeet June 24, 2018
Beautiful choreography to an excellent classic soundtrack. Thank you Julia, your dedication to the Line Dance World is much appreciated. Meke Aloha Pumehana (With warm Love).

Julia1wetzel June 24, 2018
Thank you Happy Feeet. I've always loved this song by Elton John so I really wanted to do it justice with my choreography. I hope I have achieved that with this dance. Thanks a lot for your kind words on my work. Hugs and kisses :)

dancer33 June 24, 2018
Gorgeous dance

Julia1wetzel June 24, 2018
Thank you very much dancer33. xx

Dotty B August 16, 2018
Beautiful dance Julia , one of my favourites at the moment ,thank you .

Julia1wetzel August 16, 2018
Thank you Dotty. I'm very flattered that you enjoy my dance. :) xx

Happy Feeet July 18, 2023
Julia, it's July 2023 we've been practicing this beautiful choreography of NC2 dance you came up with in 2018, it's still a timeless song and dance on our playlist.

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