CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Back to My Old Life

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Easy Intermediate
Grace David (KOR), Jef Camps (BEL) & Roy Verdonk (NL) - May 2021
Back to My Old Life - Roy V
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S1: Big Slide/Drag, Bend & Foot Circles, Step Fwd, ½ Pivot, Step Fwd, ½ Pivot
1-2LF big step to L side, drag RF towards LF
3&Bend a little through L-knee & make a small clockwise circle with your RF on the floor, stretch L
4&Bend a little through L-knee while making a small clockwise circle with your RF on the floor, stretch L
5-6RF step forward, make ½ turn L putting weight on LF (6:00)
7-8RF step forward, make ½ turn L putting weight on LF (12:00)

S2: Big Slide, Drag, Bend & Foot Circles, Rock Fwd/Recover, Out-Out, Heels In, Toes In
1-2RF big step to R side, drag LF towards RF
3&Bend a little through R-knee & make a small anti-clockwise circle with your LF on the floor, unbend
4&Bend a little through L-knee & make a small anti-clockwise circle with your LF on the floor, unbend
5-6LF rock forward, recover on RF
&7LF step back & out, RF step back & out
8&Swivel both heels in, bring all toes to center (weight ends on L)

S3: Diagonal Shuffle, Touch, Diagonal Shuffle, Out, Hand Movements, Heel Swivel
1&2&RF step diagonally R-forward, LF close next to RF, RF step diagonally R-forward, LF touch next to RF
3&4LF step diagonally L-forward, RF close next to LF, LF step diagonally L-forward
Optional: grab & pull movement with your arms on both shuffles
5RF step side with body angled into R diagonal while you cross R-arm in front of body & L-arm stretched forward with L-elbow on top of R-wrist (both hands fisted: RH palm down, LH palm up)
&Angle body back to center while you roll L-arm inside towards body
6Angle body into L diagonal & stretch L-arm forward while R arm stays in place (now R-wrist is on top of L-elbow, still both hands fisted and both palms down)
7&8On ball of LF swivel L-heel to L, on ball of LF swivel L-heel to R, bring L-heel down & put weight on LF
Arms: while you swivel you pull your L-arm in with fist palm facing up, stretch again, and pull back in.
Note: in right arm stays in same position for counts 5-8

S4: Vine ¼ Turn, Step, ¼ Pivot, Cross, Full Box Step With Touches
1&2RF step side, LF cross behind RF, ¼ turn R & RF step forward (3:00)
3&4LF step forward, make ¼ turn R putting weight on RF, LF cross over RF (6:00)
5&6&¼ turn L & RF step side, LF touch next to RF, ¼ turn L & LF step side, RF touch next to LF (12:00)
7&8¼ turn L & RF step side, LF touch next to RF, ¼ turn L & LF step side (6:00)

S5 & S6: REPEAT LAST 16 COUNTS (S3 & S4)
Repeat the last 16 counts facing 6:00 (Section 3 + Section 4)

S7: Diagonal Rocking Chair, Cross Mambo, Side, Touch, Hip Bumps, Swivels To L, Close
1&2&RF rock diagonally L-forward, recover on LF, RF rock side, recover on LF
3&4&RF rock across LF, recover on LF, RF step side, LF touch next to RF
5&6&LF step side, bump diagonally L-back, recover on RF & bump but diagonally R-back
7&8&Swivel both heels L, swivel toes L, swivel both heels L, RF close next to LF (slightly angled into R diagonal)

S8: Cross Rock/recover, Side Rock/Recover, Behind-Side-Cross, Side, Heel Swivel, Hip Roll
1&2&LF rock across RF, recover on RF, LF rock side, recover on RF
3&4LF cross behind RF, RF step side, LF cross over RF
5&6RF step side, on ball of LF swivel L-heel in, return LF
Optional hand movement: cross arms and touch shoulders (5), RH to R shoulder & LF to L shoulder (&), bring both hands to hips
7-8Anti-clockwise hip roll

S9: Side, Together, Chasse, Hitch, Big Slide/Drag, Touch, Step Fwd, ½ Chase Turn, ½ Back
1-2RF step side, LF close next to RF
3&4&RF step side, LF close next to RF, RF step side, hitch L-knee
5-6LF big step side while dragging RF towards LF, RF touch next to LF
7&8RF step forward, make ½ turn L putting weight on LF, ½ turn L & RF step back

S10: Shuffle Bwd, Mambo Back, Side Rock/Recover, Step Fwd, Side Rock/Recover, Step Fwd
1&2LF step back, RF close next to LF, LF step back
3&4RF step back, recover on LF, RF step forward
5&6LF rock side, recover on RF, LF step forward (slightly across RF)
7&8RF rock side, recover on LF, RF step forward (slightly across LF)

Start again and have fun!

Ending: After dancing the full routine 3 times just start slowly walking from the floor to the rhythm of the music that fades out

2021 10 JUN 2


zaza.calisthenics June 5, 2021

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