CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Apple Jack

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High Improver
Audrey Watson (SCO) - August 2014
Apple Jack - Lisa McHugh : (iTunes)
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Intro - 32 Counts

Section One: Side Tog Fwd ½ Turn, Back Lock Step, Coaster Step, Step Lock Step.
1&2&Step left to left side, close right next left, step fwd on left, On ball of left turn ½ left hitch right knee.
3&4Step back on right, cross left over right, step back on right.
5&6Step back on left, step right next left, step fwd on left.
7&8Step fwd on right, lock left behind right, step fwd on right.

Section Two: Step Clap, Step Clap, Mambo ½ Turn, Shuffle Fwd (Option Full Turn) Kick Ball Point.
1&2&Step fwd on left clap hands, step fwd on right, clap hands.
3&4Rock fwd on left, recover back on right, turn ½ left stepping fwd on left.
5&6Step fwd on right, step left next right, step fwd on right.
Option: Step fwd on right, turn ½ right stepping back on left, turn ½ right stepping fwd on right.
* Tag to be added here on Walls 1,3 & 6 Step Clap x 2
* 1&2& Step fwd on left, clap hands, step fwd on right, clap hands. Continue with the dance.
7&8Kick left foot fwd, step down on ball of left, point right toe to right side.

Section Three: Behind & Cross, 1/8 Cross, 1/8 Cross, Rocking Chair, Step ½ Pivot Step.
1&2Cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left.
&3&4On ball of left turn 1/8th left, cross right over left, ball of left turn 1/8th left, cross right over left.
5&6&Rock fwd on left, rock back on right, rock back on left, rock fwd on right.
7&8Step fwd on left, pivot ½ right, step fwd on left.

Section Four: Step Touch Back Kick, Back Rock, Heel Strut, Side Rock, Heel Strut, Step Pivot Step.
1&2&Step fwd on right, touch left to behind right heel, step back on left foot, kick right foot fwd.
3&4&Rock back on right, recover fwd on left, touch right heel fwd, drop toes to floor.
5&6&Rock left to left side, recover on right, touch left heel fwd, drop toes to floor.
7&8Step fwd on right, pivot ½ turn left, step fwd on right.
* Tag to be added here on Walls 1,3 & 6 Step Clap x 2
* 1&2& Step fwd on left, clap hands, step fwd on right, clap hands.

Ending to face front:-
On the last wall you will finish the dance at the end of section one facing the back wall.
Change steps 7&8 Step Lock Step To: Step, Pivot ½ Turn, Step.



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