CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Blue As The Sky

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Sandy Kerrigan (AUS) - July 2014
Volare - The Gypsy Kings : (3:40)
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Dance starts: After the intro-Start on the main vocals…Volare…Version 1:00

Side Rock, Replace, Behind, Side, Cross, Side Rock, Replace, Behind, Turn ¼ Fwd 3:00
1 2 3 & 4Rock R to R, Replace to L, Cross R behind L, Step L to L, Cross R over L
5 6 7 & 8Rock L to L, Replace to R, Cross L behind R, Turn ¼ R-Step Fwd R, Step Fwd L

R Mambo Step, L Mambo Step, V-Step 3:00
1 & 2 3 & 4Rock Fwd R, Replace back to L, Step back on R, Rock back L, Replace Fwd to R, Step Fwd L
5 6 7 8Step R out Fwd, Step L to L, Step R back to centre, Step L next to R

R Coaster Step, Pivot ¼ Cross, Side, Behind, Side, Cross Shuffle 6:00
1 & 2 3 & 4Step back R, Step L next to R, Step Fwd R, **(WALLS 3/6 ADD TAG HERE) Step Fwd L, Pivot ¼ R Cross L over R
5 6 & 7 & 8Step R to R, Cross L behind R, Step R to R, Cross L over R, Step R to R, Cross L over R

Side Rock, Replace, 1 ¼ R Triple Step Turn, Pivot R to R 45°,Diagonal Fwd Shuffle 1:30
1 2 3 & 4Rock R to R, Replace to L, 1 ¼ R Triple Step Turn to 9:00-wt on R (compact turn)
5 6 7 & 8Step Fwd L, Pivot R-wt on R, Shuffle L Fwd to Front R45°

R Diagonal Heel, Hold, Together, L Heel, Hold, Together, Tap Back, Step, Tap Back, Step, Tap Back, Step Tog, Step to Side 12:00
1 2 & 3 4 &R Heel Fwd, Hold, Step R next o L, L Heel Fwd, Hold, Step L next to R
5 & 6 &Tap R back, Small Step back R, Tap L Back, Small Step back L (slightly travel back, optional clicks)
7 & 8Tap R next to L, Step R next to L, Step L to L Side to face 12:00

R Cross Samba, Cross, Point Side, Cross, Side, Cross Shuffle 12:00
1 & 2 3 4Cross R over L, Ball of L to L Side, Replace to R Side, Cross L over R, Point R to R Side
5 6 7 & 8Cross R over L, Step L to L Side, Cross R over L, Step L to L Side, Cross R over L

Side Rock, Replace, ½ Hinge L with Side Shuffle, ½ Hinge R-Side Together, ¼ Fwd, ¼ Pivot Turn, Behind, Side, Cross 6:00
1 2 3 & 4Rock L to L Side, Replace to R, ½ Hinge Turn L-Step L to L, Step R to R, Step L to L,
5 & 6½ Hinge Turn R- Step R to R, Step L next to R, Turn ¼ R-Step fwd R 3:00
7 8Step Fwd L, ¼ Pivot Turn R-wt on R
1 & 2Cross L behind R, Step R to R, Cross L over R

Note: There are 2 Tags at this marker**( 2counts only) Turn ¼ R -Stomp L next to R
R arm up with finger clicks, L arm down by your side with finger click (Spanish clicks)
Wall 3 to face 6:00 - Wall 6 to face 12:00

Contact: - 0412 723 326


Dewi August 27, 2014
This special dance reflexes love and generosity.......the final finger clicks, defined !!

Ra August 30, 2014
A wonderful old favourite choreographed with such new and original steps. A really feel good dance.

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