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All About That Booty

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Low Intermediate
Valerie Daniel - July 2014
All About That Bass - Meghan Trainor
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(1-8) Right step half turn to the left, shuffle, Quarter turn to the right, quarter turn to the right.
1, 2, 3 & 4Step right foot forward. Pivot half turn to your left. Shuffle forward right, left, right.
5,6,7,8Step left foot forward pivoting ¼ turn, turning to your right while rolling your hip ending with your weight on your right. Step left foot forward pivoting ¼ turn turning to your right while rolling your hip, ending with your weight on your right.

(9-16) Left step half turn to the right, shuffle, Quarter turn to the left, quarter turn to the left.
1, 2, 3 & 4Step left foot forward. Pivot half turn to your right. Shuffle forward left, right , left.
5, 6, 7, 8Step right foot forward pivoting ¼ turn, turning to your left while rolling your hip ending with your weight on your left. Step right foot forward pivoting ¼ turn turning to your left while rolling your hip, ending with your weight on your left.

(17-24) Crossing right over left weave left. Two bounces.
1,2,3,4,5,6Cross right over left. Left to the side. Right behind left. Left to side. Cross right over left. Touch left next to right.
& 7 & 8Bounce your booty up and down, and up and down.

(25-32) Crossing left over right weave to right. Two bounces.
1,2,3,4,5,6Cross left over right. Right to the side. Left behind right. Right to side. Cross left over right. Touch step right next to left.
& 7 & 8Bounce your booty up and down, and up and down.

(33-40) Step Left touch right. Step Right touch left. Roll hips to weight back onto left. Heel flick.
1,2,3,4Step left foot to the side touch right foot next to left. Step right foot to side touch left next to right.
5, 6, 7, 8Roll Hips clockwise starting from right side to left for one and a half rotations (from right to left to right to the left and put weight on left foot) leaving weight on your left foot heal flick right foot back.

(41-48) Step forward right, pivot half turn, shuffle forward right. Rock left forward, back coaster step.
1, 2, 3 & 4Step right foot forward turning to your left, pivot ½ turn. Shuffle forward, right left right.
5, 6, 7 & 8Rock left foot forward rocking back onto right foot. Step left foot back, step right next to left, step left foot forward.

(49-56) Right Mambo, Left Mambo.
1, 2, 3 & 4Rock right foot to side, rocking back onto left. In place switch feet right, left, right.
5, 6, 7 & 8Rock left foot to side, rocking back onto right. In place switch feet left, right, left.

(57-64) Four toe touches going backwards starting with right. Shuffle forward right then left shuffle.
1&2&3&4&Touch right toe down, step right foot back. Touch left toe down, step left foot back. Touch right toe down, step right foot back. Touch left toe down, step left foot back.
5&6, 7&8Shuffle forward Right, Left, Right. Shuffle forward Left, Right, Left.



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