CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Audrey Watson (SCO) - July 2014
Budapest - George Ezra : (iTunes)
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Tag: 16 Count Tag at the end of wall one.
Intro: 16 Counts

Big thank you to Sue Little of Dance in Line – Stranraer for suggesting this song.

Section One: Cross Hold, Side Touch Hold, Side Rock, Cross Shuffle.
1-2Cross right over left, Hold for a beat.
&3-4Step left to left side, touch right next left, hold for a beat.
5-6Rock right to right side, recover on left.
7&8Cross right over left, step left to left side, cross right over left. (12 O’Clock)

Section Two: Side Rock, Behind & Cross, ¼ Back Lock Step, Back Rock.
1-2Rock left to left side, recover on right.
3&4Cross left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right.
&5&6On ball of left turn ¼, step back on right, cross left over right, step back on right.
7-8Rock back on left, recover fwd on right. (9 O’Clock)

Section Three: Full Turn (or Walk Walk) Step Hold, Ball Step ½ Turn, Coaster Step.
1-2Turn ½ right stepping back on left, ½ Right stepping fwd on right (can be replaced by 2 walks fwd)
3-4Step fwd on left, hold for a beat.
&5-6Step right next left, step fwd on left, ½ turn left stepping back on right.
7&8Step back on left, step right next left, step fwd on left. (3 O’Clock)

Section Four: Heel Hold, Step Touch Heel, Step Touch Heel, Step Touch Hold.
1-2Touch right heel diagonally right fwd, hold for a beat.
&3-4Step down on right, touch left toe next right, touch left heel diagonally left fwd. (Travelling Fwd)
&5-6Step down on left, touch right toe next left, touch right heel diagonally right fwd (travelling Fwd)
7-8Step down on right, touch left toe next right, hold for a beat(3 O’Clock)

Section Five: Cross Rock, Chasse ¼ Turn, ¼ Turn Chasse, Back Rock.
1-2Cross rock left over right, recover back on right.
3&4Step left to left side, close right next left, turn ¼ left stepping fwd on left.
&5&6On the ball of left turn ¼ left, step right to right side, close left next right, step right to right side.
7-8Rock left back behind right, recover fwd on right. (9 O’ Clock)

Section Six: Side Behind & Cross Side, Back Rock, Kick Ball Change.
1-2Step left to left side, step right behind left.
&3-4Step left to left side, cross right over left, step left to left side.
5-6Rock right back, recover fwd on left.
7&8Kick right foot fwd, step down on ball of right, step down on ball of left. (9 O’ Clock)

During Wall One - Change Step 8 in Section 6 - Touch left next right*** weight is on your right foot.
16 Count Tag to be added at the end of Wall One only
Dance Sections - 5 and 6. you are now facing 3 O’Clock

Last Update - 29th July 2014


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