Easy Novice
Start dancing after the words “This is The Time of Your” (03 Sec).
Sec 1. 1-8: R Side, Together, Side, L Knee Lift , Side, Together, ¼ L, Step, R Heel Flick, Charleston Steps R-L.
1&2&Step Rt to the right, step Lt next to right, step Rt to the right, lift L knee up.
3&4&Step Lt to the left, step Rt next to Lt, turn ¼ left (9) step Lt slightly fwd, flick R heel up.
5-6Touch Rt across Lt fwd, lift R knee slighly up step Rt slightly back.
7-8Touch Lt across Rt back, lift L knee slighlty up step Lt slightly forward.
Sec 2. 9-16: ½ Pivot L, ¼ Pivot L, Cross, Back, Big Side Step, Drag, Together.
1-2Step Rt fwd, turn ½ left (3) take weight onto Lt.
3-4Step Rt fwd, turn 1/4 left (12) take weight onto Lt.
5-6Cross Rt over Lt, step Lt big back.
7-8Step Rt big to the right and drag on Lt, step Lt slightly together Rt.
Sec 3. 17-24: Heel Swivel R, Heel Swivel L, Replace, Heel Swivel L, Replace, Toe Tap R Twice Fwd, R Kick Diag, Cross Samba L ¼ R, Step, Lock, Step.
1&2&Swivel R heel to right, swivel R heel replace weight onto Rt, swivel L heel to left, swivel L heel replace weight onto Lt.
3&4Tap R toe slightly fwd, tap R toe replace, kick Rt diagonal fwd.
5a6Cross Rt over Lt, turn ¼ right (3) step Lt to the left, step Rf to the right weight onto Rt.
7a8Step Lt fwd, lock Rt behind Lt, step Lt fwd. ##
## 2nd Restart here WALL 5 after 24 count, after start again (Facing 9 o`clock).
Sec 4. 25-32: Sycopated Heel Grind ¼ R, Back, Syncopated Heel Grind ¼ L, Back, Hip Bumps R-L, Roll Back On To Heels, Replace, Back, ½ L, Step, R Heel Fwd Diag.
1&2Heel grind with Rt (toes from L to R) turn ¼ right (6) step Lt back, step Rt back.
3&4Heel grind with Lt (toes from R to L) turn ¼ left (3) step Rt back, step Lt back. #
5&6&Step Rt to the Rt bump R hip to right, bump L hip to left, pushing bottom back roll back on to the heels, step both back in place take weight onto Lt.
7&8Step Rt back, turn ½ left (9) step Lt slighlty forward, touch R heel fwd holding weight onto Lt.
# 1st Restart : WALL 1 after 28 count, after start again (Facing 3 o`clock).
Start Again and have fun!
Sec 1. 1-8: R Side, Together, Side, L Knee Lift , Side, Together, ¼ L, Step, R Heel Flick, Charleston Steps R-L.
1&2&Step Rt to the right, step Lt next to right, step Rt to the right, lift L knee up.
3&4&Step Lt to the left, step Rt next to Lt, turn ¼ left (9) step Lt slightly fwd, flick R heel up.
5-6Touch Rt across Lt fwd, lift R knee slighly up step Rt slightly back.
7-8Touch Lt across Rt back, lift L knee slighlty up step Lt slightly forward.
Sec 2. 9-16: ½ Pivot L, ¼ Pivot L, Cross, Back, Big Side Step, Drag, Together.
1-2Step Rt fwd, turn ½ left (3) take weight onto Lt.
3-4Step Rt fwd, turn 1/4 left (12) take weight onto Lt.
5-6Cross Rt over Lt, step Lt big back.
7-8Step Rt big to the right and drag on Lt, step Lt slightly together Rt.
Sec 3. 17-24: Heel Swivel R, Heel Swivel L, Replace, Heel Swivel L, Replace, Toe Tap R Twice Fwd, R Kick Diag, Cross Samba L ¼ R, Step, Lock, Step.
1&2&Swivel R heel to right, swivel R heel replace weight onto Rt, swivel L heel to left, swivel L heel replace weight onto Lt.
3&4Tap R toe slightly fwd, tap R toe replace, kick Rt diagonal fwd.
5a6Cross Rt over Lt, turn ¼ right (3) step Lt to the left, step Rf to the right weight onto Rt.
7a8Step Lt fwd, lock Rt behind Lt, step Lt fwd. ##
## 2nd Restart here WALL 5 after 24 count, after start again (Facing 9 o`clock).
Sec 4. 25-32: Sycopated Heel Grind ¼ R, Back, Syncopated Heel Grind ¼ L, Back, Hip Bumps R-L, Roll Back On To Heels, Replace, Back, ½ L, Step, R Heel Fwd Diag.
1&2Heel grind with Rt (toes from L to R) turn ¼ right (6) step Lt back, step Rt back.
3&4Heel grind with Lt (toes from R to L) turn ¼ left (3) step Rt back, step Lt back. #
5&6&Step Rt to the Rt bump R hip to right, bump L hip to left, pushing bottom back roll back on to the heels, step both back in place take weight onto Lt.
7&8Step Rt back, turn ½ left (9) step Lt slighlty forward, touch R heel fwd holding weight onto Lt.
# 1st Restart : WALL 1 after 28 count, after start again (Facing 3 o`clock).
Start Again and have fun!