CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Baby Take Me Away

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Carol Cotherman (USA) - June 2014
Take Me Away - James House : (Album: Days Gone By)
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8-Count intro.

Step, Kickball Step, Step, Syncopated Jazz Box Cross, ¼ Turn,
1-2&3Step right forward, kick left forward, step left ball in place, step right forward
4-5Step left forward, step right across left
6&7-8Step left back, step right beside left, cross left over right, ¼ turn left stepping right back (9:00)

Back, Coaster Step, Walk, Walk, Hold, Ball Step, Step, ¼ Turn
1-2&3Step left back, step right back, step left beside right, step right forward
4-5Step left forward, step right forward
6&7-8Hold, step left ball beside right, step right forward, ¼ turn left taking weight to left (6:00)

Cross, Hold, Ball, Cross, Rock, Recover, Crossing Triple, ¼ Turn
1-2&3Cross right over left, hold, step left ball to side, cross right over left
4-5Rock left to side, recover to right,
6&7-8Cross left over right, step right to side, cross left over right, ¼ turn left stepping right back (3:00)

Toe Touch, Triple Step, Rock, Recover, ½ Triple Turn, Step
1-2&3Touch left toe in front of right with left bent knee, step left forward, step right beside left, step left forward
4-5Rock right forward, recover to left
6&7-8¼ Turn right stepping right to side, step left beside right, ¼ turn right stepping right forward, step left forward


TAGS: 4-Count Tags at the end of Walls 3 (3:00) & 6 (6:00):
Step, Kickball Change, Step
1-2&3-4Step right forward, kick left forward, step left ball in place, step right beside left, step left forward

Ending: The music slows down on Wall 9 which begins at 12:00. Pace yourself to dance through count 12.
Hesitate, if needed, so you are on count 13 when the beat kicks back in.
Continue to dance through count 25 (left toe touch). You will be facing 3:00. Then add a quick:
“Step left in place (bend arms at elbows with hands in front of chest snap fingers), ¼ Turn left point right to right side (arms extended to sides with open hands)”

You are now facing 12:00. Hold this position until drum roll is complete. On final 2 quick beats:
“Hitch right knee (snap fingers in front of chest), Point right to side (arms extended to sides).



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