CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Mosquito Boogie

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Michael Barr (USA), Johanna Barnes (USA), Cato Larsen (NOR), Jo Kinser (UK), John Kinser (UK) & Ivonne Verhagen (NL) - June 2014
Gimme Dat Ding - The Pipkins : (Album: Mr. Bean's Crazy Party Hits - 2004)
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Intro: Start the dance at vocals after 32 counts (11 seconds).
Motion: Novelty (Social only). Tempo: 194 BPM.

[1 – 8] Suzy Q’s, Cross Rock, Side.
1,2Cross left heel over right (1), Swivel left toes to left side as you Step right foot to right side (2). 12:00
3,4Cross left heel over right (3), Swivel left toes to left side as you Step right foot to right side (4).
5,6Cross left over right (5), Rock (recover) weight back again onto right (6).
7,8Step left to left side (7), Hold (8).

[9 – 16] Suzy Q’s, Jazz ¼ turn.
1,2Cross right heel over left (1), Swivel right toes to right side as you Step left foot to left side (2).
3,4Cross right heel over left (3), Swivel right toes to right side as you Step left foot to left side (4).
5,6Cross right over left (5), Step back left (6).
7,8Pivot ¼ turn right Stepping right slightly forward (7), Hold (8). 3:00

[17 – 24] Step, Tap, Back, Kick, Coaster Step.
1,2Step forward on left (1), Tap right toes behind left heel (2).
3,4Step back on right (3), Kick left foot forward (4).
5,6,7,8Step back on left (5), Step right next to left (6), Step forward on left (7), Hold (8).

[25 – 32] Step, Rock, Recover, Scuff, Step, Rock, Recover, Hold.
1,2Step forward on right (1), Rock (recover) back again onto left (2).
3,4Rock (recover) forward again onto right (3), Scuff left foot forward (4).
5,6Step forward on left (5), Rock (recover) back again onto right (6).
7,8Rock (recover) forward again onto left (7), Hold (8).

[33 – 40] Charleston Kick, with Rock ¼ turn.
1,2,3,4Step forward on right (1), Hold (2), Slow Kick left foot forward (3,4)
5,6Step back on left (5), Hold (6).
7,8Step back on right (7), Pivot ¼ turn right and Step forward on left (8). 6:00

[41 – 48] Charleston Kick with Rock Step.
1,2,3,4Step forward on right (1), Hold (2), Slow Kick left foot forward (3,4)
5,6Step back on left (5), Hold (6)
7,8Step back on right (7), Rock (recover) weight forward again onto left (8).

[49 – 56] Kick, Cross, Back Rock, Kick, Cross, Back Rock.
1,2Kick right foot forward (1), Cross right over left (2).
3,4Step left diagonally back left (3), Rock (recover) forward again onto right (4).
5,6Kick left foot forward (5), Cross left over right (6).
7,8Step right diagonally back right (7), Rock (recover) forward again onto left (8).

[57 – 64] Kill the Mosquitoes!
1,2,3Stomp right foot forward (1), Stomp left foot to left side (2), Clap (3).
Restart: Restart from here on wall 3. You will be facing 6 O’Clock.
4,5Slap your right thigh with right hand (4), Slap your left thigh with your left hand (5).
6Slap your outside ankle or calf (6).
7Step right to right side (7),
7,8At the same time reach right hand/arm out to right side as if trying to catch another mosquito above your head to your right (7,8).

Tag: To be danced after wall 2 & 5. (First time at 12 and second time at 6 O’clock)..
[1 – 8] Presenting Pose, Recover & Pose, Recover.
1,2,3Stomp left foot forward with bended knee as you keep your right leg straight back (1), Hold (2,3). (Left arm forward & right
4&Rock (recover) weight back again onto right (4). Step left next to right (&).
5,6,7Stomp right foot forward with bended knee as you keep your left leg straight back (5), Hold (6,7).
8&Rock (recover) weight back again onto left (8), Step right next to left (&).

[9 – 16] & Kick & Kick (Slow Kicks) & Kick & Kick & Kick (Double time kicks)
1,2&Kick left foot diagonally forward left (1), Hold (2), Step left next to right (&).
3,4&Kick right foot diagonally right (3), Hold (4), Step right next to left (&).
5&Kick left foot diagonally forward left (5), Step left next to right (&).
6&Kick right foot diagonally right (6), Step right next to left (&).
7,8Kick left foot diagonally forward left (7), Hold (8).

Sequence: 64, 64, Tag, Short 64 (60), 64, 64, Tag, Short 64 (32 counts).

Big finsih: Finsih the last Rock step on count 32 by turning ¼ turn right (facing front wall) and presenting forward.

Contact: - email: - Mob: +47 905 60 948 (SMS)


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