CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Am I Wrong

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Amy Glass (USA) - May 2014
Am I Wrong - Nico & Vinz : (iTunes)
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32 count intro; dance starts on lyrics

[1-8] Walk R, L, English Cross, & Cross, Rock Side, Recover, Behind & Cross
1-2Walk forward R, L
&3&4Step on ball of R while turning ¼ L, Cross L over R, Step on ball of R, Cross L over R (9:00)
5-6Rock R to R side, Recover weight on L
7&8Step R behind L, Step L to L side, Cross R over L (9:00)

[9-16] ¼ L Body Roll/Rock, L Coaster, Pivot ½, Rolling Full Turn
1-2Turn ¼ L while rocking forward L, Recover weight on R [styling: add a forward body roll] (6:00)
3&4Step L back, R next to L, L forward
5-6Step R forward, pivot ½ L (12:00)
7-8Continue turning ½ L stepping back R (6:00), Turn ½ L stepping L forward (12:00)

[17-24] Cross, Hold, Ball Cross & Cross, Rock, Recover, Behind & ¼ R
1-2Cross R over L, Hold
&3&4Step ball of L to L side, Cross R over L, Repeat
5-6Rock L to L side, Recover weight on R
7&8Step L behind R, Turn ¼ R stepping R forward, Step L forward (3:00)

[25-32] Rock Side & Rock Side, & ½ Pivot L, ¾ Turn L
1-2Rock R to R side, Recover weight on L
&3-4Step R next to L, Rock L to L side, Recover weight on R
&5-6Step L next to R, Step forward R, Pivot ½ L (9:00)
7-8Step back R while turning ½ L (3:00), Step side L while turning ¼ L (12:00)

[33-40] To Diagonals: Rocking Chair, Shuffle R, ½ Pivot L, Shuffle L
1&2&Turn 1/8 to L while rocking forward R, Recover L, Rock back R, Recover L (10:30)
3&4Shuffle forward (R, L, R) (10:30)
5-6Step forward L, pivot ½ R (4:30)
7&8Shuffle forward (L, R, L) (4:30)

[41-48] Big Step R, Drag L, Ball Cross, Step Back with ¼ R, Step Back R, Drag L, Coaster Cross
1-2Square up to side wall stepping R, and dragging L next to R (3:00)
&3-4Step on ball of L, Cross R over L, Step back on L while turning ¼ R (6:00)
5-6Big step back R, Drag L
&7-8Step on ball of L, Step R next to L, Cross L over R (6:00)

[49-56] Full Turn Box Glides, Quick Rocks x2
1-2Step back R while turning ¼ L (3:00), step forward L while turning ¼ L (12:00)*
3-4Step Back R while turning ¼ L (9:00), step forward L while turning ¼ L (6:00)*
5&6Cross rock R over L, Recover, Step R to slight R
7&8Cross rock L over R, Recover, Step L to slight L
*Styling: Make these gliding steps by not lifting feet off the ground as much as possible

[57-64] Press Forward & Press Forward, & Step Pivot ½ L, Pivot ½ L
1-2Press R forward, Recover weight back on L
&3-4Step R next to L, Press L forward, Recover weight back on R
&5-6Step L next to R, Step R forward, Pivot ½ L (12:00)
7-8Step R forward, Pivot ½ L (6:00)



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