CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Slow 4/4 Intermediate
Nigel Mooney (NZ) - May 2014
Slip on By - Austin Webb
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Side right, mambo fwd, mambo cross, side rock cross, reverse roll in to NC2S
1-5Long Step right to right side (1) rock fwd on left (2) recover on right (&) step back on Left (3) Step back on right (4) recover weight on left (&) step right across left/forward (5)
6-1Step/rock to left side on left (6) recover weight on to right (&) step left across right (7) ¼ turn left stepping back on right (8) ½ turn left on ball of right stepping forward on left (&) ¼ turn left on ball of left taking a long step to right side on right (1)

NC2 right rock back, NC2 left rock forward, ¼ ½ ¼ cross behind sweep, sailor step
2-7rock back on left behind right (2) recover weight on to right (&) step to left side on left (3) rock forward on right crossing left (4) recover weight on left (&) ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (5) step forward on left (&) ½ pivot right (6) ¼ turn right stepping left to left side (&) cross right behind left while sweeping left forward and around (7)
8-1Cross left behind right (8) step right to right side (&) step diagonally left/forward on left turning 45° left to face 10:30 (1)

Step fwd right ½ pivot, step spin, rock and half turn left, sweep to front, triple sway
2-3Step forward right (2) ½ pivot left (&) stepping fwd on ball of right spin a full turn anti clockwise, ideally hitching left knee during the turn to face 4:30 (3)
4-5Rock forward on left (4) recover weight on to right (&) half turn left stepping forward on left to face 10:30 (5)
6-8Slow sweep right foot round while conducting 135° turn left (half plus a bit more to reach back wall) now facing 6:00 (6) Step right to side swaying hips right (7) sway hips left (&) sway hips right (8)

Cross left, ¼ left coaster right, roll fwd and ¼ cross, side rock cross side rock tap.
1-5Cross left over right, feel free to over rotate this cross for styling (1) ¼ turn left stepping back on right (2) close left beside right (&) step forward on right (3) ½ turn right step back on left (&) ½ turn right step forward on right (4) step forward on left (&) ¼ right while crossing right over left (5)
6-8&Step/rock left to left (6) recover weight on to right (&) cross left over right (7) step/rock right to right (&) recover weight on to left (8) tap right beside left (&)
“feel free to replace the Tap with a quick full spin clockwise on the ball of the left if you can ”

TAG : Restarts occur at the end of 2 and 4, both times facing 12:00. NC2 Right then Left
1-4step right to right side (1) rock back on left (2) recover weight to right (&) step left to left (3) rock back on right (4) recover weight on to left (&)



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