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Roar Like a Champion

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Carol Cotherman (USA) - March 2014
Roar - Katy Perry
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*This dance was originally choreographed as a 1-wall dance for a local elementary school’s motivational rally. For a 1-wall dance, omit the ¼ turn on count 31.

8 Count Intro

Side, Together, Side, Touch, Side, Together, Side, Touch
1-2-3-4Step right to side (1), step left beside right (2), step right to side (3), touch left beside right & snap fingers (4)
5-6-7-8Step left to side (5), step right beside left (6), step left to side (7), touch right beside left & snap fingers (8)
(Insert 4-count Tag here on 9th rotation. Then Restart the dance.)

Forward, Touch, Back, Touch, Step, 1/2, Step, 1/2
1-2-3-4Step right forward (1), touch left beside right (2), step left back (3), touch right beside left (4)
5-6-7-8Step right forward (5), pivot ½ turn left taking weight to left (6), step right forward (7), pivot ½ turn left taking weight to left (8)
(Insert 4-count Tag here on 4th rotation. Then Restart the dance.)

Diagonal Step, Slide, Step, Touch, Diagonal Step, Slide, Step, Touch
1-2-3-4Step right forward to right diagonal (1), slide left forward and step beside right (2), step right forward to right diagonal (3), touch left beside right (4)
(Arm movements: Cross wrists, left over right, in front on count 1. Over counts 2, 3, 4, keep arms straight and make large circular motion.)
5-6-7-8Step left forward to left diagonal (5), slide right forward and step beside left (6), Step left forward to left diagonal (7), touch right beside left (8)
(Arm movements: Cross wrists, left over right, in front on count 5. Over counts 6, 7, 8 keep arms straight and make large circular motion.)

Back, Back, Back, Back, Side, Touch, ¼ Turn, Touch
1-2-3-4Step right back (1), step left back (2), step right back (3), step left back (4)
5-6-7-8Step right to side (5), touch left beside right & snap fingers (6), turn ¼ to left stepping left to side (7), touch right beside left and snap fingers (8)


Tags: 4-Count Tag:-
Wall 4: Dance 16 counts then add 4-count Tag and Restart the dance.
Wall 9: Dance 8 counts then add the 4-count Tag and Restart the dance
Sway, Sway, Sway, Sway (both times at 3:00)
1-2-3-4Sway to right waving arms overhead to the right (1), sway to the left waving arms overhead to the left (2), sway to right waving arms overhead to right (3), sway to left waving arms overhead to the left (4)

Ending: On last rotation, you will be facing 12:00 on counts 29 -30. Don’t turn ¼ left on count 31.
Just step to the side and touch. You will end facing 12:00.



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