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Pat Stott (UK) & Billy Curtis (UK) - March 2014
Breathe Me In (Marta Sanchez Duet) - Anamor : (CD: Memelo)
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Intro 36 beats approx 17 seconds

Cross left over right, point right to right, hold, Ball cross, Side, recover, cross shuffle.
1- 3Cross left over right, point right to right, hold
&4Small step to right on ball of right, cross left over right
5-6Rock right to right, recover on left
7&8Cross right over left, small step to left, cross right over left

Side left, hold, close, side, recover, sailor step 1/4 turn left, kick ball step
1-2&Step left to left, hold, close right to left
3-4Rock left to left, recover on right
5&6Cross left behind right, turn 1/4 left stepping right to right, left forward
7&8Kick right forward, step on ball of right, step forward on left

1/2 pivot left, lock step fwd, full turn right over 2 steps, mambo fwd
1-2Step forward on right, pivot 1/2 left transferring weight to left
3&4Step forward on right, lock left behind right, forward on right
5-6Turn 1/2 right stepping back on left, turn 1/2 right stepping forward on right
7&8Rock forward on left, recover back onto right, step left slightly back

Large step back, drag left towards right, close left to right on ball of left, back, back, coaster step, walk, walk
1-2Step large step back on right, drag left towards right
&3-4Step onto ball of left next to right, 2 walks back
5&6Step back on right, close left to right, step forward on right
7-8Walk forward - left, right

Step forward, 1/4 pivot right, cross shuffle, 1/4 left, 1/4 left, cross, 1/4 right
1-2Step forward on left, 1/4 pivot right transferring weight to right
3&4Cross left over right, small step to right on ball of right, cross left over right
5-6Turn 1/4 left stepping back on right, turning 1/4 left stepping left to left
7-8Cross right over left, turn 1/4 right stepping back on left

1/4 right, cross, recover, side, cross, hold, ball, cross shuffle
1-2Turn 1/4 right stepping right to right, cross left over right
3-4Recover on right, step left to left
5-6Cross right over left, hold
&7Small step to left on ball of left, cross right over left
&8Small step to left on ball of left, cross right over left

Large step to left, drag, rock back, recover, large step to right, drag, rock back, recover
1-2Large step to left, drag right towards left
3-4Rock right behind left, recover forward on left
5-6Large step to right, drag left towards right
7-8Rock left behind right, recover forward on right

1/4 turn right with large step to left, drag, rock back, recover Point right to right, hold, full Monterey turn, point left to left
1-2Turn 1/4 right taking large step to left, drag right towards left
3-4Rock right behind left, recover forward on left
5-6Point right to right, hold (turn body slightly to left preparing for full Monterey)
7-8Full Monterey turn right stepping right next to left, point left to left

End of dance

Tag: 16 counts - end of wall 2 (facing 6 o'clock)
Walk, drag, walk, drag, walk, drag, step forward on right, 1/2 pivot left, forward on right, drag, walk, drag, walk, drag, rock to side, recover
1-6Step forward on left, drag right towards left, step forward on right, drag left towards right, step forward on left, drag right towards left
7-8Step forward on right, 1/2 pivot left

9- 14Step forward on right, drag left towards right, step forward on left, drag right towards left, step forward on right drag left toward right
15-16rock left to left, recover onto right

(Restart facing 12 o'clock)

(Optional style to the walks: Walk forward and across allowing body to twist slightly whilst dragging the back foot towards front foot)

End of music: Keeping left toes in contact with the floor and allow the left foot to sweep round to a point at the end of the Monterey turn for a nice finish.

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jetset jane March 25, 2014
Looks interesting but no use as music not available in the UK?

jetset jane March 25, 2014
Hi Checked on LD message board and got a replay from Dave who says Pat is looking into this because it used to available From iTunes, but has been removed.

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