CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Drink, Drank, Drunk

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Alyssa Oliveri - March 2014
Drink Drank Drunk - Cowboy Troy
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[1-8] Hip Bump L, Hip Bump L, Hip Roll, Sailor R, Sailor 1/4 turn L
1-2Bump hips left, Bump hips left
3&4Roll hips in a full circle transferring weight to left foot
5&6Cross right foot behind left step left step right next to left
7&8Cross left foot behind turning 1/4 Left, step right side, step left side

[9-16] Shuffle R, Shuffle L, Heel Switches R L R L
9&10Step right foot forward, step left foot next to right, step right foot forward
11&12Step left foot forward, step right foot next to left, step left foot forward
13&14Right heel out, replace weight to right foot and left heel out
15&16Replace weight to left foot and right heel out replace weight to right foot and left heel out

[17-24] Step Slide R, Jump, Jump (or Chest Bump) Step Slide L Jump, Jump (or Chest Bump)
17&18Step Right slide left foot together
19&20Jump, jump or a chest bump, chest bump
21&22Step left and slide right foot together
23&24Jump, jump or a chest bump, chest bump
The Chest bump is a modification for the jump, jump.

[25-32] Shuffle R Step L 1/2 Pivot Turn R, Out and Cross and Out and Down
25&26Step right foot forward, step left foot next to right, step right foot forward
27&28Step left foot in front turn right 1/2 turn
29&30Jump out on balls of both feet and jump and cross right over left on balls of your feet
31&32Jump out on balls of both feet and jump down returning feet to starting position

The last four counts in this set make sure to slightly jump forward to return to more of a center position.

Repeat and have fun!!

Contact: If you have any questions you can email me at:


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