CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Tip Ya Hat 2 (aka The Watering Hole - easy)

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Absolute Beginner
Pat Stott (UK) - January 2014
The Watering Hole - Gord Bamford
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20 count intro (approx 8 seconds)

Vine right, close, fan left foot out, in, out, in
1-4. Step right to right, cross left behind right, right to right, close left to right
5-8. Fan left foot to left - out, in, out, in

Vine left with 1/4 turn to left, brush, diagonal step forward, tap & tip hat, back, kick
1-4. Step left to left, cross right behind left, turn 1/4 left stepping forward on left, Brush right forward
5-6. Step diagonally forward on right, tap left behind right (tip your hat)
7-8. Step back on left, kick right forward to right diagonal

Behind, side, front, diag kick, Behind, side, front, sweep
1-4. Right behind left, left to left, cross right over left, kick left to left diagonal
5-8. Left behind right, right to right, cross left over right, sweep right round to front

Jazz box, scuff, jazz box, tap
1-2. Cross right over left, back on left
3-4. Step right to right, scuff left heel
5-6. Cross left over right, back on right
7-8. Step left to left, tap right next to left

End of dance

Restart on wall 5: Dance first 16 replacing kick with tap .... then Restart (9 o'clock )

Section 4
1-3. Cross right over left, turn 1/4 right stepping back on left, large step to right (arms out to sides) also turning head to 12 o'clock


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