CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Wake Me Up

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Low Intermediate
Double Trouble (CAN) - December 2013
Wake Me Up – Teybey w/ Emerson Drive
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Music - use the 4:33 version available on iTunes

Start Dance after 32 counts start counting when music starts. December 2013.

[1-8] Cross Side Sailor to the Left, Cross Side Sailor to the Right.
1-2Step the right foot over left, step left foot to left side.
3&4Sailor Right, Left Right,
5-6Step the left foot over right, step right foot to right side.
7&8Sailor Left, Right, Left.

[9 -16] Rock Fwd Right, Recover ½ Turn Shuffle, Left Heel Grind ¼ Turn Shuffle in Place.
1 - 2Rock forward on your right foot, recover weight to the left.
3&4Half turn shuffle over right shoulder, (R, L, R)
5 - 6While grinding your left heel, make a ¼ turn to your left. Step onto right.
7&8Shuffle in place (L, R, L)
Re-start on walls 5 & 11.

[17 -24] Point Right Side, Point Left Side, Right Heel Forward, Left Toe Back, Ball Step hold, , and Step and Step.
1 &2Touch your right toe to right side, quickly step home on the right and switch and touch your left to left side.
&3& 4Quickly step home on your left foot, and touch your right heel forward, quick step home on your right foot, and touch your left toe back.
&5 -6Quickly step home on your left foot, and step your right foot forward, and hold.
&7 &8Moving forward slightly, quickly step left behind right, step right forward, quickly step left behind right, step forward onto right.

[25-32] Step Forward Left, ½ Turn Pivot Over Right Shoulder, Shuffle Forward Left, Rock Right out to right side, Recover, Rock Right behind Left, Recover and Point Right Toe to Right Side.
1-2Step left foot forward, making a ½ turn pivot over your right shoulder, step onto right.
3&4Shuffle forward L, R, L.
5- 6Rock your right foot out to right side, recover weight onto Left.
7&8Rock your right foot behind left, quickly recover onto left foot, and point right toe to right side.

Begin again. – Thanks Todd for a great Song!!!!


Contact: 519-928-5256 or 905-279-3371 -

Last Revision - 6th Jan 2014


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