Intro: Start with your right leg after 16 counts or start on vocals
SEC 1: Diagonal R Fwd, Touch, Diagonal L Back, Touch , Diagonal R Back, Touch , Weave, Cross Shuffle
1&2&Step diagonal R forward toward R , touch L beside R, Step diagonal L back, touch R beside L
3&4Step diagonal R back, touch L beside R, Step diagonal L forward toward L
5&6&Cross R over L , move L to L side, cross R behind L, move L to the L
7&8Cross R over L , recover on L , move R to the L
SEC 2: 1/4 L Turn Fwd Shuffle, Weave, Side Shuffle, Fwd Shuffle
1&21/4 L turn (facing 9.00) and step forward L, R, L
3&4&Step R to R side , cross L behind R , move R to the R side, Cross L over R
5&6Step R to R side, move L beside R, move R to R side
7&8Step L forward shuffle (L, R, L)
SEC 3: Out Out In In, Knee Claps, Toe Struck (x2)
1-2Step R diagonal forward to R , step L diagonal forward to L
3-4Step R back on R , step L back on L
5&6Clap both knee together twice
7&8&Touch R on R , step back on R , touch L on L , step back on L
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Edward Tam
Penny Tan
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SEC 1: Diagonal R Fwd, Touch, Diagonal L Back, Touch , Diagonal R Back, Touch , Weave, Cross Shuffle
1&2&Step diagonal R forward toward R , touch L beside R, Step diagonal L back, touch R beside L
3&4Step diagonal R back, touch L beside R, Step diagonal L forward toward L
5&6&Cross R over L , move L to L side, cross R behind L, move L to the L
7&8Cross R over L , recover on L , move R to the L
SEC 2: 1/4 L Turn Fwd Shuffle, Weave, Side Shuffle, Fwd Shuffle
1&21/4 L turn (facing 9.00) and step forward L, R, L
3&4&Step R to R side , cross L behind R , move R to the R side, Cross L over R
5&6Step R to R side, move L beside R, move R to R side
7&8Step L forward shuffle (L, R, L)
SEC 3: Out Out In In, Knee Claps, Toe Struck (x2)
1-2Step R diagonal forward to R , step L diagonal forward to L
3-4Step R back on R , step L back on L
5&6Clap both knee together twice
7&8&Touch R on R , step back on R , touch L on L , step back on L
No Tag or Restart!
Edward Tam
Penny Tan
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