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Walk My Rihanna

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Steven Ooi - September 2013
Walks Like Rihanna - The Wanted : (Official Audio)
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{1 - 8} Cross Recover, Left Shuffle/Chasse, Cross, Side, R Sailor Heel
1-2Cross L over R, recover back on L
3&4Step L to L side, step R besides L, step L to L side
5-6Cross R over L, step L to left side
7&8Step R behind L, step L besides R, R heel forward (12 o’clock)

{9 - 16} Step Together Rock Recover, Left Coaster, Rock Back Recover, Full Turn Left
&1-2Step R besides L, rock forward L, recover back on R
3&4Step back L, close R to L, step forward L
5-6Rock back R, recover weight on L
7-8½ turn L stepping back R, ½ turn L stepping forward L
[after 16 counts &1 step right together **3rd Restart on 7th Wall facing 9:00]

{17 - 24} Mambo Step x 2, ¼ turn L Scuff Hitch Step, Heel & Point
1&2Rock R forward, Recover L back, Step R back
3&4Rock L back, Recover R forward, Step L forward
5&6Scuff R forward, Hitch R, ¼ turn L Step R to R side
7&8Dig L heel forward, step L beside R, point R toe to R side (3 o’clock)

{25 - 32} Step, ¼ Turn, Cross Shuffle, ¼ Turn, ¼ Turn, Cross Shuffle
1-2Step forward R, ¼ turn L
3&4Cross R over L, step L to L side, cross R over L
5-6¼ turn R step back L, ¼ turn R step R to side
7&8Cross L over R, step R to R side, cross L over R (6 o’clock)
[after 32 counts &1 Step Right together **Restart during 2nd Wall at 12:00]

{33 - 40} Side Rock, Recover, Behind Side Cross, Kick Ball Point x 2
1-2Rock R to R side, recover weight back on L
3&4Step R behind L, step L to L side, cross R over L
5&6Kick L to L diagonal, step L besides R with R point
7&8Kick R to R diagonal, step R besides L with L point

{41 – 48} Vine Left with Scuff, Heel Switches
1-4Step L to L, step R behind L, step L to L side, Scuff R (Optional Rolling Vine Scuff)
5-8Tap R heel forward, step R beside L, tap L heel fwd. step L beside R
[replace 48 counts with Touch L beside R **2nd Restart on 6th Wall facing 6:00]

{49 - 56} Right Chasse, Behind Side ¼ turn R, ½ turn R walk back, Right, Left Coaster
1&2Step R to R side, step L together, step R to R
3-4Step L behind R, step R making ¼ turn R
5-6Make ½ turn R walk back L-R
7&8Step back L, close R to L, step L foot forward (3 o’clock)

{57 - 64} Cross Back, Forward Left Flick Behind, Jazz Box ¼ turn L, R together
1-4Cross R over L, Step Back L, Step R forward with Flick L behind R
5-8Cross L Recover R, ¼ turn L Step L with Step R together (6 o’clock)

**1st Restart on 2nd Wall facing 12:00 after 32 counts &1 Step Right together
**2nd Restart on 6th Wall facing 6:00 replace 48 with Touch L beside R
**3rd Restart on 7th Wall facing 9:00 after 16 counts &1 step right together

TAG 16 counts during 5th Wall facing 6:00
Step point x2, Jazz box ¼ turn L Step Fwd, Step point x 2, Left Coaster, Step Right Side
1-4Step L forward, point R to R, Step R forward, point L to L
5-8Cross L over R, make a ¼ turn L step back R, step L to L, step R forward
1-4Step L forward, point R to R, Step R forward, point L to L
5-8Step back L, R together, step forward L, Step R to R side

Enjoy Life Enjoy Dancing

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