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Touch The Sky

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Mike Hitchen (UK) - July 2013
Seven Days - Mark Medlock
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Walk, Walk, Step ½ Turn Step, Side Rock & Turn, Step Turn.
1-2Walk right, Walk left.
3&4Step forward on right, Pivot ½ turn left, Step forward on right.
5-6-&Step left to side, Rock right behind left, Return weight to left.
7-8-&Step right 1/4 turn right, Step forward on left, Pivot ½ turn right. (Weight on right)

Turn Sweep, Turn Bump Bump, Chasse, Back Rock, Turn Turn.
1-2&Turn ½ turn right stepping left back, Sweep right behind left, Step left ¼ turn left,
3-4Bump hips right, Bump hips left.
5&6Step right to side, Step left together, Step right to side.
7&8&Rock left behind right, Return weight to right, Turn ¼ turn right stepping left back. Turn ¼ turn right stepping right to side.

Side, Rock And Step, Behind Side Cross, Rumba Box.
1-2&3Step left to left, Rock right behind left, Return weight to left, Step right to side.
4&5Step left behind right, Step right to side, Cross step left over right.
6&7Step right to side, Step left together, Step right forward.
8&1Step left to side, Step right together, Step left back.

Step Lock Step, Coaster Step, Chasse ¼ Turn Left, Rock &.
2&3Step right back, Lock left over right, Step right back.
4&5Step left back, Step right together, Step left forward.
6&7-8&Step right ¼ turn left, Step left together, Step right to side, Rock back on left, Return weight to right.

Left Lock Step, Rock Step, 1-1/2 Turns Right, Step Turn Cross.
1&2Step left forward, Lock right behind left, Step left forward.
3-4Rock forward on right, Return weight to left.
5&6Turn ½ turn right stepping right forward, ½ Turn right stepping left back, ½ Turn stepping right forward.
7&8Step left forward, Turn ¼ turn right, Cross left over right.

Side Rock & Turn, Step Turn Step, Coaster Step Touch.
1-2&3Step right to side, Rock left behind right, Return weight to right, Step left ¼ turn left.
4&5Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left, Weight on left, Step right ¼ turn left.
6&7-8Step left back, Step right Together, Step left forward, Touch right next to left.

One Tag / Restart on wall 5 After 16 counts: Slight Change to last Count Facing 6 o Clock
7&8Rock back on Left, Return Weight To Right, Step Left To Side. Start Dance Again
(No Turns)



Tiptoes August 7, 2013
Looks good.xx

Tiptoes August 14, 2013
Did this dance last night ,It is really good well done Mike.x

Pegleg August 14, 2013
Love this dance and music. A winner for Mike I hope. Well done xx

Littlebuck August 15, 2013
Didnt like the music at first - bit slow for me, but the dance is lovely and the quick turns make it interesting. Definitely a grower! - Good one Mike x

marief August 15, 2013
Really good dance and love the music x

marief August 15, 2013

Pegleg August 16, 2013
It just gets better the more you dance it. A real winner xx ??

danceaway August 17, 2013
brilliant dance great track a dancers dance

Mags August 21, 2013
Learnt this dance last night, it's really good

Win August 21, 2013
What a lovely dance and music ,well done mike hope it goes right up the charts x

danceaway August 21, 2013
Should go in the charts Mike may not be a well known choreographer but this dance deserves all the credit it should get itis well up there with beautiful in my eyes

bjb August 23, 2013
Another winning combination of good dance and music - this deserves to go 'flying up the charts'. I wouldn't say it's slow - it just gives you thinking time! Well Done Mike!!

titch August 23, 2013
Great dance well done Mike, hope it goes well for you .

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