CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Sippin' and Tippin'

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Craig Miyamoto (USA) & AJ Meyer - July 2013
Drinks After Work - Toby Keith
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Count In: 32 counts from start of track, dance begins on vocals.
Notes: No Restarts or Tags.

[1-8] R rock and cross, L rock and cross, R rock and cross, syncopated weave L
1&2Step right to right side(1), recover weight on left(&), step right across left(2)
3&4Step left to left side(3), recover weight on right(&), step left across right(4)
5&6Step right to right side(5), recover weight on left(&), step right across left(6)
&7&8Step left to left side(&), step right behind left(7), step left to left side(&), step right across left(8)

[9-16] L rock, 1 ¼ turn travelling R, diagonal step forward, kick ball change
1,2Rock left out to left side(1), make ¼ right stepping forward on right(2), 3:00
3,4Make ½ turn right stepping back on left(6), make ½ turn right stepping forward on right(7)
5,6Large left step forward to left diagonal(5), tap right next to left(6)
7&8Kick right foot forward(7), step in place on ball of right(&), recover weight on left(8)

[17-24] ¾ gliding turn, forward R coaster step, L coaster step
1,2Slide right to right side(1), turn ¼ left while sliding left to left side(2), 12:00
3,4Turn ¼ left while sliding right to right side(3), turn ¼ left while sliding left to left side(4), 6:00
5&6Step right forward(5), step left next to right(&), step back on right(6)
7&8Step left back(7), step right next to left(&), step forward on left(8)

[25-32] 2 scuff hitch ¼ turns , syncopated weave R, ¾ turn R
1&2Scuff right foot(1), make ¼ turn right while hitching right(&), step in place on right(2), 9:00
3&4Scuff left foot(3), make ¼ turn left while hitching left(&), step in place on left(4), 6:00
5&6&Step right to right side(5), step left behind right(&), step right to right side(6), step left across right(&)
7,8make ¼ turn left stepping back on right(7), make ½ turn left stepping forward on left(8), 9:00


Last Revision - 23rd October 2013


Blrj32 July 29, 2020
I love this dance! I'm bringing it back.

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