CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Julia Wetzel (USA) - July 2013
Candela - Noelia : (CD: Noelia)
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Intro: 88 counts (approx. 42 seconds into track on lyrics ”acusen”)

[1 – 8] Step, Together, Step-Lock-Step, Rock, Recover, ¼ Chasse
1-2Step R fw (1), Step L next to R (2) 12:00
3&4Step R fw (3), Lock L behind R (&), Step R fw (4) 12:00
5-6Rock L fw (5), Recover on R (6) 12:00
7&8¼ Turn left step L to left side (7), Step ball of R next to L (&), Step L to left side (8) 9:00

[9 - 16] Cross, ½ Hip Rolls, Sailor, Hip Bump (3x), Touch
1-3Cross R over L (1), Roll hip in CCW circles turning ½ turn left over 2 counts, weight ending on R (2-3)
Easy Option (2-3): Unwind ½ turn left over 2 counts, weight ending on R 3:00
4&5Sweep L from front to back and step L behind R (4), Step R slightly to right side (&), Step L to L side with both knees bent and bump hip to left side (5) 3:00
6-7Bump hip to left side (6), Bump hip to left side and look over left shoulder (7)
Styling (5-7): Keep knees bent. Each hip bump should take your hip further to the left side 3:00
8Touch R next to L
*Restart after here on Wall 10 ~ see description below ~ 3:00

[17 - 24] Side, Together, Chasse ¼, Step, ½ Pivot, ½ shuffle, ¼ Side
1-2Step R to right side (1), Step L next to R (2) 3:00
3&4Step R to right side (3), Step ball of L next to R (&), ¼ Turn right step R fw (4) 6:00
5-6Step L fw (5), Pivot ½ turn right on R weight ending on R (6) 12:00
7&8&¼ Turn right step L to left side (7), Step R next to L (&), ¼ Turn right step back on L (8), ¼ Turn right small step R to R side (&)
Easy Option: Step L fw (7), Step R next to L (&), Step L fw (8), ¼ Turn left small step R to right side (&) 9:00

[25 - 32] Modified Jazz Box, Forward Samba, Step, Point, ½ Turn Flick
1-3Cross L over R (1), Step back on R slightly to right side (2), Step L to left side slightly back (3) 9:00
4&5Step R fw (4), Rock L to L side (&), Recover on R (5) 9:00
6-8Step L fw (6), Point R fw (7), ½ Turn left on L and Flick R back (8) 3:00

Restart On Wall 10, dance up to Count 16 (Touch R next to L) facing 6:00, Make ¼ Turn right to face 9:00 before starting Wall 11.

Ending Dance ends on Count 31 (Point R fw) of Wall 13 facing 12:00

Optional Intro
Tag: Here’s an optional 8-count Tag after 80 counts of Intro (or 8 counts before the start of dance). You’ll hear drums only for this section (approx. 38 seconds into track)
1-2, 3&4Rock R fw, Recover, R Coaster
5-6, 7&8Rock L fw, Recover, L Coaster



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