CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Early Intermediate
Nigel Mooney (NZ) - May 2013
SkyFall by Noah (see note at bottom)
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Walk, walk, turning shuffle, coaster, Step ¾ turn
1-4Walk fwd on Right (1) then Left (2), ¼ turn left on ball of left foot while stepping to the right side on right (3), Cross left in front of right (&), ¼ left on ball of left while stepping back on right (4).
5-8Step back on left (5) Close right beside left (&) Walk fwd on left (6) Step fwd on right foot (7) raise left knee while turning ¾ Left (&) step to the left side on L (8)

Slow hip rolls, cross ball change and cross, step side cross behind and turn,
1-4. Roll the right hip forward and out to the right, roll back to neutral, Roll left hip fwd and out to left roll back to neutral. Try looking over the same shoulder as hip on the roll out
(easy alternative two slow hip bumps Right, two hip bumps Left)
5-8Cross right over left (5) step back on left at 45°(&) tap right heel forward (6) recover weight on to right (&) cross Left over right (7) step right foot to right side (&) cross left foot behind right (8) Unwind ½ turn left end weight on left (&)

Step forward R, hip bump, cross and kick, two sailor shuffles.
1-4Step forward on right (1) touch close left toe (leaving heel off the floor) beside right foot (&) straighten the left leg without letting the heel touch the floor will result in a small Bachata hip bump to left (2) Cross left foot over right (3) step side on right (&) Kick left foot to left side (4)
5-8Cross left behind right (5), step right foot to R side (&), step side left (6) Cross right behind left (7), step left foot to L side (&), step side right (8)

Rock L to the corner, recover back, spin 1 ½ left and slow walk round half turn
1-2Cross rock left foot fwd (turning line of dance 45° to right), recover weight back on to right
3&4Triple step L,R,L while spinning 1 ½ turns counter clockwise (staying on the diagonal)
5-84 slow drag walks R,L,R,L first step turn 45° to straighten up to wall, then a slow 180° turn left over the next three walks.

Restarts occur wall 4 & 8, both times facing the front after the first 16 counts of the dance

Music, This dance can be danced to the Adele version of Skyfall, however the feel of this dance is based on the “pulse” synonymous in West Coast Swing and Noah’s acoustic version of Skyfall is swung in rhythm and is thus far more enjoyable to dance.

The music can be found on Youtube at,, or by searching for “Skyfall Noah”.
If you have any trouble getting the song from you tube, email me and I will tell you exactly how to get it using YTD. I hope you enjoy it!


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