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Feel This Moment

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Rachael McEnaney (USA) - March 2013
Feel This Moment (feat. Christina Aguilera) - Pitbull : (Album: Global Warming or Single - iTunes)
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Count In: 32 counts from start of track, dance begins on vocals.

Notes: Part A is nightclub 2step, Part B is a house rhythm, Part C is funky.
Order of the dance: A, B, B, C, C, A, B, C, C, A, B, B
The clock directions below where you end facing are based on the first time you perform each section.

PART A - Section A is a nightclub 2 step rhythm – the counts should be slower but I have typed the sheet with nightclub timing (otherwise do them as slow counts with holds – makes it 64 counts)
A: [1 - 9] Step L sweep R, R weave in front, L weave behind, R mambo ½ turn R, L mambo ¼ turn L
1 2 & 3Step forward left as you sweep right foot forward (1), cross right over left (2), step left to left side (&), cross right behind left as you sweep left to back(3) 12.00
4 & 5Cross left behind right (4), step right to right side (&), step left forward and slightly across (5) 12.00
6 & 7Rock forward right (6), recover weight left (&), make ½ turn right stepping forward right (7) 6.00
8 & 1Rock forward left (8), recover weight right (&), make ¼ turn left as you step forward on left – sweeping right (1) (ready to repeat above) 3.00

A: [10-17] REPEAT COUNTS 2- 9 above
2 & 3Cross right over left (2), step left to left side (&), cross right behind left as you sweep left to back (3) 3.00
4 & 5Cross left behind right (4), step right to right side (&), step left forward and slightly across (5) 3.00
6 & 7Rock forward right (6), recover weight left (&), make ½ turn right stepping forward right (7) 9.00
8 & 1Rock forward left (8), recover weight right (&), make ¼ turn left as you step forward on left – sweeping right (1) 6.00

A: [18-24] R cross, ¼ turn R, R back, L coaster, R fwd rock, ¼ turn R, point L, full turn L
2 & 3Cross right over left (2), make ¼ turn right stepping back on left (&), step back on right (3) 9.00
4 & 5Step back left (4), step right next to left (&), step forward left (5) 9.00
& 6 & 7Rock forward right (&), recover weight left (6), make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side (&), point left toe to left side (7) 12.00
& 8 &Make ¼ turn left stepping forward on left (&), make ½ turn left stepping back on right (8), make ¼ turn left stepping left to left side (&) 12.00

A: [25-32] R cross, L side-rock-cross, R side-rock-cross into weave with ¼ turn L, step R, ¾ turn L step R, touch L
1 2 & 3Cross right over left (1), rock left to left side (2), recover weight right (&), cross left over right (3) 12.00
4 & 5Rock right to right side (4), recover weight left (&), cross right over left (5) 12.00
& 6 &Step left to left side (&), cross right behind left (6), make ¼ turn left stepping forward left (&) 9.00
7 & 8 &Step forward right (7), pivot ½ turn left (&), make ¼ turn left taking big step to right side (8), drag & touch left next to right (&) 12.00

PART B: Section B is much faster ?
B: [1-8] L kick-out-out, L touch, L side, R touch, R side, L kick-ball-change
1 & 2Kick left foot forward (1), step ball of left to left side (&), step right out to right side (shoulder width apart from left) (2) 12.00
3 4 5 6Touch left next to right (3), step left to left side (4), touch right next to left (5), step right to right side (6) 12.00
7 & 8Kick left foot forward (7), step in place on ball of left (&), step in place on right (8) 12.00

B: [9-16] L shuffle, step R, ¼ turn L, R cross, L side, R behind-side-cross
1 & 2 3 4Step forward on left (1), step right next to left (&), step forward on left (2), step forward right (3), pivot ¼ turn left (4) 9.00
5 6 7 & 8Cross right over left (5), step left to left side (6), cross right behind left (7), step left to left side (&), cross right over left (8) 9.00

B: [17-24] L side, R heel, R ball, L cross, 2x ¼ turns L, R cross, L side, R sailor-heel with ¼ turn R
& 1 & 2Step left to left side (&), touch right heel to right diagonal (1), step in place on ball of right (&), cross left over right (2) 9.00
3 4 5 6Make ¼ turn left stepping back on right (3), make ¼ turn left stepping left to left side (4), cross right over left (5), step left to left side (6) 3.00
7 & 8Cross right behind left (7), make ¼ turn right stepping left next to right (&), touch right heel forward (8) 6.00

B: [25-32] Switch to 2x heel touches L, switch to 2x heel touches R, R ball, step fwd L, ½ pivot R, step L, ½ pivot R
& 1 2Step right next to left (&), touch left heel forward (1), touch left heel forward (2) 6.00
& 3 4Step left next to right (&), touch right heel forward (3), touch right heel forward (4) 6.00
& 5 6 7 8Step ball of right next to left (&), step forward left (5), pivot ½ turn right (6), step forward left (7), pivot ½ turn right (8) 6.00

PART C: Section C is the funky section – add the styling if you want to but it’s not necessary
C: [1-8] Diagonal L, R touch, Side R, L close, R coaster step, L fwd, R close (heavy step)
1 2Take big step forward on left towards left diagonal (1) (styling: roll right shoulder forward), touch right next to left (2) 12.00
3 4Take big step to right side (3) (styling: push left hand out to left side like saying stop as you bring right hand up like a microphone & look to right), step left next to right (4) 12.00
5 & 6Step back on right (5), step left next to right (&), step forward on right (6) 12.00
7 8Step forward on left (7) (styling: start taking both arms forward as if putting a shirt over your head), step right next to left (8) (styling: finish taking arms up then drop them down to hips as if you put the shirt on with small body roll back – count 8 is a heavy step almost a stomp) 12.00

C: [9-16] L side, L close, R side, R close, L side, ¼ sailor step right with 2x toe taps out, step R
1 2Step left out to left side (imagine squashing something into floor) (1), push off left and step left next to right (2) 12.00
3 4Step right out to right side (imagine squashing something into floor) (3), push off right and step right next to left (4) 12.00
5 6 &Step left out to left side (5), cross right behind left (6), make ¼ turn right stepping left next to right (&), 3.00
7 & 8Tap right toe slightly to right side (7), tap right toe a little further out to right side (&), step right foot to right side (8) 3.00

C: [17-24] L touch, L side, R hitch, R side, twist body R and return, R cross, L back
1 2 3 4Touch left next to right (1), step left to left side (2), hitch right knee across left (3), step right to right side (4) 3.00
5 6 7 8Twist upper body ¼ turn right (5), return body ¼ turn left (6), cross right over left (7), step back on left (8) 3.00

C: [25-32] R side, L cross, R side, L heel, L ball, R cross, 4 walks L-R-L-R making ¾ turn L
1 2Step right to right side (1), cross left over right (2), 3.00
& 3 & 4Step right to right side (&), touch left heel to left diagonal (3), step in place on ball of left (&), cross right over left (4) 3.00
5 6 7 8Making a ¾ turn to left walk in a circle stepping left (5), right (6), left (7), right (8) 6.00

ENDING The dance will finish facing the back with the 2 pivot turns at the end of part B.
For a big finish, make another half turn to right on ball of right foot stepping left to left side (1 count)

Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format and include all contact details on this script.
Copyright © 2012 Rachael Louise McEnaney ( All rights reserved.

Contact: - - Tel USA: +1 407-538-1533


kat May 18, 2013
Fantastic dance to a great piece of music it fits great to the track kat xx

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