CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Karaoke Night

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Beginner / Improver
Rene & Reg Mileham (UK) - April 2013
You Ain't Dolly (And You Ain't Porter) (Duet With Blake Shelton) - Ashley Monroe : (CD: Like a Rose)
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32 Count intro. - (no tags, no restarts)

Section 1: Side toe struts x2 , side rock, recover, cross, point
1 – 2Right diagonal toe strut to right side, drop heel
3 – 4Left diagonal toe strut, drop heel
5 – 6Rock Right to right side, recover onto left
7 - 8Cross right over left, point left out to left side

Section 2: Cross point, cross point. Behind, side, sway, sway
1 – 2Cross left over right, point right toe out to right side
3 – 4Cross right over left, point left toe out to left side
5 – 6Step Left behind Right, step Right to right side
7 - 8Sway left, sway right

Section 3: Side toe struts x 2, side rock , recover, cross point
1 – 2Left diagonal toe strut to left side, drop heel
3 – 4Right diagonal toe strut, drop heel
5 – 6Rock Left to left side, recover onto right
7 - 8Cross left over right, point right out to right side

Section 4: Cross point, cross point. Behind, side, sway, sway
1 – 2Cross right over left, point left toe out to left side
3 – 4Cross left over right, point right toe out to right side
5 – 6Step Right behind Left, step Left to left side
7 - 8Sway Right, sway Left.

Section 5: Rock forward, back, back hold. Rock back, forward, forward,
1 – 2Rock forward on Right, rock back onto Left.
3 – 4Rock back on Right, hold
5 – 6Rock back on Left, rock forward on Right
7 – 8Rock forward on Left, hold

Section 6: Hip, hip, hip, hold. Repeat to left side
1 - 2Rock Right hip forward, rock Left hip back
3 - 4Rock Right hip forward, hold
5 – 6Rock Left hip forward, rock Right hip back
7 – 8Rock Left hip forward, hold

Section 7: Forward tap, walk, walk. Back, hook, walk, walk.
1 – 2Step Right forward, tap Left toe behind Right foot
3 – 4Two walks back Left, Right
5 - 6Step left back, hook Right foot across Left
7 – 8Two walks forward, Right, Left

Section 8: Grapevine 1/4 Turn, Step, Pivot 1/2, 1/4 Turn, Behind, 1/4 Turn (8 step Grapevine , ending with ¼ turn left)
1 – 2Step right to right side. Cross left behind right.
3 – 4Step right making ¼ turn right. Step left forward
5 – 6Pivot ½ turn right. Make ¼ turn right stepping left to left side.
7 – 8Cross right behind left. Step left 1/4 turn left. (Weight on Left)



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