CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Pat Stott (UK) & Lizzie Stott (UK) - April 2013
Slip - Stooshe
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Commence on vocals

Kick ball cross, side, Slide, sweep left round in a circle twice
1&2. Kick right diagonally to right, step on ball of right, cross left over right
3-4. Step large step to right, slide left to right
5-8. Sweep left toe round in a circle keeping toe in contact with the floor anti clockwise x 2 (keeping weight on right)

Side, tap, side, tap, roll 3/4 left , shuffle 1/2 turn left
1-4. Step left to left & swing arms to left, tap right next to left, step right to right & swing arms t. o right, tap left next to right
5-6. Turn 1/4 left stepping forward on left, turn 1/2 left stepping back on right
7&8. Turning 1/2 left shuffle left, right, left (9 o'clock)

Brush, step, brush, step, brush step ball change x2
&1&2. Brush right toe forward, step down on right, brush left toe forward step down on left
&3&4. Brush right toe forward, step down on right, step left behind right on ball of foot, step right in place
&5&6. Brush left toe forward, step down on left, brush right toe forward step down on right
&7&8. Brush left toe forward, step down on left, step right behind left on ball of foot, step left in place
(Styling : the "brush steps" are kept small and "bouncy")

Jump diagonally back, hold & snap fingers, jump diagonally back, hold & snap fingers, turn 1 1/2 right
&1,2. Jump diagonally back on right, tap left left next to right, hold & snap fingers
&3,4. Jump diagonally back on left, tap right next to left, hold & snap fingers
5-6. Turn 1/2 right stepping forward on right, turn 1/2 right stepping back on left
7-8. Turn 1/2 right stepping forward on right, step forward on left (3 o'clock)
(Option: turn 1/2 right and walk forward - right, left, right, left)

Jump forward, hold & clap, jump back, hold & clap, 2 toe strut back
&1, 2. Jump forward and out - right, left, hold & clap
&3,4. Jump back - right, left , hold & clap
5-8. Right toe back, lower heel, left toe back, lower heel (optional shimmies)
(Harder option - mashed potato steps back counting &5&6&7&8)

Rock back, recover, rock forward, recover, step back, sweep and turn 1/2 left, tap
1-2. Rock back on right, recover on left
3-4. Rock forward on right, recover on left
5-6. Step back on right, sweep left round from front to back starting to turn
7-8. Complete 1/2 left Stepping onto left, tap right next to left with knee turned in
(Let the body slightly overturn in preparation for the rolling vine turn next)

Rolling vine right, tap and clap, rolling vine left, tap and clap
1-2. Turn 1/4 right stepping forward on right, turn 1/2 right stepping back on left
3-4. Turn 1/4 right stepping right to right, tap left next to right, clap
5-8. Repeat rolling vine to left
(Easier option just vine right, tap, vine left, tap)

Monterey turn
1-4. Touch right to right, turn 1/4 right closing right to left, touch left to left, close
5-8. Touch right to right, turn 1/4 right closing right to left, touch left to left, close (3 o'clock)

Tag end of walls 1&3
1-8. Fan right toe to right x 2, Fan left toe to left x2
9-12. Knee pops :- right knee in hold, left knee in hold
13 -16. Knee pops :- right, left, right, hold

Tag end of wall 2
1-8. Fan right toe x 2, fan left toe x 2

Tag end of wall 4
1-4. Fan right toe x2 (keep weight on left)

End of music:
Finish the end of the dance sequence with 1/4 Monterey then 1/2 Monterey to face front then take a big step to right and slide left towards right and hold

Last Revision - 17th April 2013


Scoobysue April 17, 2013
Love this dance from Pat, like the Slip step, and the bouncy little steps forward....
Hope this is another well received Hit for Team Stott....xx

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