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When I Was Your Man

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Lu Olsen (AUS) - February 2013
When I Was Your Man - Bruno Mars : (Album: Unorthodox Jukebox - iTunes)
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When I Was Your Man (a.k.a. I Should have Bought you flowers)

16 count intro – start on vocals.

[1 – 8] Facing 12.00 - Cross, Fwd at diag, Cross, Fwd at diag, Side, Cross, ¼ back, ¼ fwd, Full Left turn fwd
(Note: counts 1, 2 & 3 body faces 12.00 and travels towards left corner in a crab walk fashion)
1, 2 & 3Step R over L at L 45º, Step L fwd at L45º, Step R over L at L45º, Step L fwd L45, 12.00
4 &Step R to Right, Step L over R, 12.00
5, 6¼ Left turn & step R back, ¼ Left turn & step L fwd,
7 & 8½ Left turn & step R back, ½ Left turn & step L fwd, Step R fwd, 6.00

[9 – 16] Cross, In place, Back at diag, Cross, Back at diag, ¼ R tog, fwd, ¼ side, sweeping ½ Left, Behind, Side, Cross
1, 2 &Step L over R, Step R in place, Step L back at 45º
3, 4 & 5Step R over L, Step L back at 45º, ¼ Right turn & Step R tog, Step L fwd, 9.00
6 &¼ Left turn & step R to Right, Sweeping L backwards into ½ Left turn, 12.00
7 & 8Step L behind R, Step R to Right, Step L over R **

[17 – 24] Cross, Side, Behind, Side, Cross, Replace, ¼ R fwd, Fwd/3/4 spin, Fwd, Fwd, Back, ½ fwd, ¼ side/drag
1 & 2 & 3Cross R over L, Step L to Left, Step R behind L, Step L to Left, Cross R over L
4 & 5Replace onto L, ¼ Right turn & step R fwd, Step L fwd spinning ¾ Right turn,
& 6Step R fwd, Step L fwd,
7 & 8Step R back, ½ Left turn & step L fwd, ¼ left turn & step R to Right/drag L 3.00

[25 – 32] Fwd/drag, Side, Side, Fwd/drag, Side, Tog, Sweep, Sweep, Behind, ¼ R Side, Fwd
1, 2 &Step L fwd/drag R towards L, Step R to Right, Step L beside R,
3,Step R fwd/drag L towards R
4 & 5Step L to Left, Step R tog, Sweep L behind R,
6,Sweep R behind L,
7 & 8Step L behind R, ¼ Right turn & Step R to Right, Step L fwd, 6.00

[33 – 40] Fwd, Replace, ½ R fwd, Fwd, Replace, ½ L fwd, Fwd, ½ pivot, ¼ side, Behind, ¼ R fwd, Fwd/drag
1, 2 &Step R fwd, Replace onto L, ½ Right turn & step R fwd, 12.00
3, 4 &Step L fwd, Replace onto R, ½ Left turn & step L fwd, ## 6.00
5 & 6Step R fwd, ½ Left pivot turn, ¼ Left turn & step R to Right 9.00
7 & 8Step L behind R, ¼ Right turn & Step R fwd, Step L fwd/drag R, ++ 12.00

[41 – 48] Back, Side, Cross, Side, Replace, Cross, ¼ L back, Back, Fwd, ¾ R turn(L,R,L)
1 & 2Step R back, Step L to Left, Cross R over L,
3 & 4Step L to Left, Replace onto R, Cross L over R,
& 5, 6¼ Left turn & step R back, Step L back, Step R fwd, 9.00
7 & 8(¾ Right turn) ¼ Right turn & step L to Left, ½ Right turn & step R fwd, Step L fwd 6.00

Wall 2 (back) dance to count 36 & ## - Restart to front for wall 3
Wall 5 (front) dance to count 16 ** - Restart to front for wall 6
Wall 6 dance to count 40 ++ to finish to the front

Contact - Lu Olsen: 03 9735 1219 (h), Mob: 0438 735 122, Email:

Last Revision - 2nd March 2013


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