16 count intro (start dancing at 13 sec).
Sec 1: [1-8] Back Rock, Recover, ¼ L, Side, Back Rock, Recover, Side, Back, Back Diagonal, ¼ R, Side, Drag, Runs Fwd L-R-L, Push Step Fwd, Recover, Sweep Back.
8&1Rock Rt back, recover on Lt, turn ¼ left (9) step Rt to the right.
2&3Rock Lt back, recover on Rt, step Lt to the left.
4&5Step Rt back, step Lt diagonal back, turn ¼ right (12) step Rt to the right small drag Lt.
6&7Stepping Lt forward, stepping Rt forward, stepping Lt forward.
8&1Push step Rt forward, recover on Lt, sweep Rt from front to back.
Sec 2: [9-16] R Ankle Rock, Step, ¼ L, Back, Back, Walks Fwd R-L, ¼ L, Side Rock, Recover, Cross.
2&3Locked Rt behind Lt take weight onto Rt, recover on Lt, recover on Rt.
4&5Step Lt forward, turn ¼ left (9) step Rt back, step Lt back.
6-7Walk Rt forward, walk Lf forward. (optional: Styling)
8&1Turn ¼ left (6) rock Rt to the right, recover on Lt, cross Rt over Lt.
Sec 3: [17-24] ¼ R, Back, ¼ R, Side, Step, Side, Hold, Back Rock, Recover, Side, Press, Recover, ½ L, Knee Lift.
2&3Turn ¼ right (9) step Lt back, turn ¼ right (12) step Rt to the right, Step Lt slightly forward.
Restart here WALL 3 after 18 count (facing 3 o’clock) after start again (facing 6 o’clock).
4&5Step Rt to the right, Hold.
6&7Rock Lt back, recover on Rt, step Lt to the left.
8&1Press Rt to the right, turn slightly ¼ left (9) recover on Lf, continue ¼ turn left (6) lift R knee up weight onto Lt.
Sec 4: [25-32] Cross Rock, Recover, Side, Step, Side, Behind, Sweep Back, Behind, ¼ L, Step.
2&3Cross rock Rt forward, recover on Lf, step Rt to the right. (6:00)
4&5Step Lt forward, step Rt slightly to the right, step Lt behind Rt and sweep Rt from front to back.
6-7Step Rt behind Lf, turn ¼ left (3) step Lt slightly forward.
Start again with section 1.
Sec 1: [1-8] Back Rock, Recover, ¼ L, Side, Back Rock, Recover, Side, Back, Back Diagonal, ¼ R, Side, Drag, Runs Fwd L-R-L, Push Step Fwd, Recover, Sweep Back.
8&1Rock Rt back, recover on Lt, turn ¼ left (9) step Rt to the right.
2&3Rock Lt back, recover on Rt, step Lt to the left.
4&5Step Rt back, step Lt diagonal back, turn ¼ right (12) step Rt to the right small drag Lt.
6&7Stepping Lt forward, stepping Rt forward, stepping Lt forward.
8&1Push step Rt forward, recover on Lt, sweep Rt from front to back.
Sec 2: [9-16] R Ankle Rock, Step, ¼ L, Back, Back, Walks Fwd R-L, ¼ L, Side Rock, Recover, Cross.
2&3Locked Rt behind Lt take weight onto Rt, recover on Lt, recover on Rt.
4&5Step Lt forward, turn ¼ left (9) step Rt back, step Lt back.
6-7Walk Rt forward, walk Lf forward. (optional: Styling)
8&1Turn ¼ left (6) rock Rt to the right, recover on Lt, cross Rt over Lt.
Sec 3: [17-24] ¼ R, Back, ¼ R, Side, Step, Side, Hold, Back Rock, Recover, Side, Press, Recover, ½ L, Knee Lift.
2&3Turn ¼ right (9) step Lt back, turn ¼ right (12) step Rt to the right, Step Lt slightly forward.
Restart here WALL 3 after 18 count (facing 3 o’clock) after start again (facing 6 o’clock).
4&5Step Rt to the right, Hold.
6&7Rock Lt back, recover on Rt, step Lt to the left.
8&1Press Rt to the right, turn slightly ¼ left (9) recover on Lf, continue ¼ turn left (6) lift R knee up weight onto Lt.
Sec 4: [25-32] Cross Rock, Recover, Side, Step, Side, Behind, Sweep Back, Behind, ¼ L, Step.
2&3Cross rock Rt forward, recover on Lf, step Rt to the right. (6:00)
4&5Step Lt forward, step Rt slightly to the right, step Lt behind Rt and sweep Rt from front to back.
6-7Step Rt behind Lf, turn ¼ left (3) step Lt slightly forward.
Start again with section 1.