Intro: 24 Counts /16 Secs (Start on Main Vocals).
[1-8] Touch, Heel, Triple Step
1&2Touch right heel forward on R , Touch right toe Recover on L
3&4Step R next to L, step L next to R, step R next to L
5&6Touch left heel forward on L , Touch left toe Recover on R
7&8Step L next to R, step R next to L, step L next to R
[9-16] Lindy Step
1&2R to R, RL together to R,
3&4L Rock back , Recover on R
5&6L to L, LR together to L,
7&8R Rock back, Recover on L
[17-24] Rock, Coaster,
1&2Rock forward on R , Recover on L
3&4Step back on R, step L next R, step R forward
5&6Rock forward on L , Recover on R
7&8Step back on L, step R next L, step L forward
[25-32] Touch, Toe, 1/2 Turn Right, Grapevine, Swivel
1-2-3Touch right toe to forward, and right, Make 1/2 turn right,
4-5&6Step R side, L behind R, R side , L touch,
7&8Swivel both heels left, swivel both heels right,swivel both heels left
*Restart: To keep the dance in phrase there is a restart on Wall 2 (6.00) after 24 Counts.
Enjoy the dance!
[1-8] Touch, Heel, Triple Step
1&2Touch right heel forward on R , Touch right toe Recover on L
3&4Step R next to L, step L next to R, step R next to L
5&6Touch left heel forward on L , Touch left toe Recover on R
7&8Step L next to R, step R next to L, step L next to R
[9-16] Lindy Step
1&2R to R, RL together to R,
3&4L Rock back , Recover on R
5&6L to L, LR together to L,
7&8R Rock back, Recover on L
[17-24] Rock, Coaster,
1&2Rock forward on R , Recover on L
3&4Step back on R, step L next R, step R forward
5&6Rock forward on L , Recover on R
7&8Step back on L, step R next L, step L forward
[25-32] Touch, Toe, 1/2 Turn Right, Grapevine, Swivel
1-2-3Touch right toe to forward, and right, Make 1/2 turn right,
4-5&6Step R side, L behind R, R side , L touch,
7&8Swivel both heels left, swivel both heels right,swivel both heels left
*Restart: To keep the dance in phrase there is a restart on Wall 2 (6.00) after 24 Counts.
Enjoy the dance!