CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Sing Sing Sing

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Improver / Low Intermediate
Simon Ward (AUS) - December 2012
Sing (Tell The Blues So Long) - David Campbell : (Album: Shout!)
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[1-8] Shuffle to R, Cross/rock, recover, shuffle to left ¼ L, R fwd, ½ pivot L
1&2Step right to right side, step left beside right, step right to right side
3-4Cross/rock left over right, recover weight onto right
5&6Step left to left side, step right beside left, step left to left side turning ¼ turn left 9.00
7-8Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left 3.00

[9-16] Point R side, cross/step, point L side, cross/step, R side tap heel x 3 raising R arm
1-2Point right toe to right side, cross/step right over left travelling slightly forward
3-4Point left toe to left side, cross/step left over right travelling slightly forward
5-8Step right to right side, tap right heel for 3 counts while extending right arm down and up, take weight on R
( fingers apart look at hand while raising arm slowly up on counts 5-8)

[17-24] ¼ turn R stepping L fwd, pivot ½ turn R, L fwd, Kick R, R back, Touch L toe, Push hips fwd back
1-2Turn a ¼ turn right & step forward on left 6.00, pivot ½ turn right taking weight onto right 12.00
3-4Step left forward, kick right forward
5-6Step right back, touch left toe across right
7-8Push hips/pelvis forward on balls of feet, recover weight back onto right

[25-32] L toe strut, Cross R toe strut, L back, R tog, shuffle L fwd
1-2Touch left toe to left, drop left heel in place (toe strut)
3-4Cross/step right toe over left, drop right heel in place (toe strut)
5-6Step back on left, step right beside left
7&8Step left forward, step right beside left, step left forward

[33-40] R toe heel cross, L toe heel cross, R side, ¼ turn L
1-3Touch right toe beside left turning toe/knee in, Touch right heel at 45 deg right, cross/step right over left
4-6Touch left toe beside right turning toe/knee in, Touch left heel at 45 deg left, cross/step left over right
(swivel feet while doing counts 1-6)
7-8Step right to right side, turn ¼ turn left taking weight onto left 9.00

[41-48] R fwd, hold snap, L fwd, hold snap, ¼ left Hold x 3 and extend arms in singing expression
1-2Step right forward, hold and snap fingers to right side
3-4Step left forward, hold and snap fingers to left side
5-8Step right forward turning ¼ turn left 6.00, hold for 3 counts while extending both arms forward and out to side
(arm movements on 5-8 are like you are expressing “singing”)

[49-56] ¼ L shuffle L fwd, ½ L shuffle R back, ¼ L shuffle L side, cross/rock R, recover L
1&2Turn ¼ turn left & step left slightly forward, step right beside left, step left slightly forward 3.00
3&4Turn ½ turn left & step right slightly back, step left beside right, step right slightly back 9.00
5&6Turn ¼ turn left & step left slightly to left side, step right beside left, step left slightly to left 6.00
7-8Cross/rock right over left, recover weight onto left

[57-64] ¼ R Monterey turn, R fwd, pivot ¼ turn L, R kick ball change
1-2Point right toe to right side, turn ¼ turn right stepping right beside left 9.00
3-4Point left toe to left side, step left beside right (1-4 is a monterey turn)
5-6Step right forward, pivot ¼ turn left taking weight onto left 6.00
7&8Kick right forward, step onto ball of right, step onto left (kick ball change)


Note: Dance to be split with Maddison Glover’s Intermediate dance “Sing & Tell”

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