CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Spanish Bible

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Wil Bos (NL) & Roy Verdonk (NL) - November 2012
The Spanish Bible - The Bellamy Brothers : (Album: Pray For Me)
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Start after 12 counts heavy beat

Side, Hold, Cross Rock Recover, ¼ Left, ½ Left, Rock Back, Recover
1-4RF step to side, hold, LF rock across, RF recover
5-8LF ¼ turn left step fwd, RF ½ left step back, LF rock back, RF recover [3]

Toe Strut ½ Right, Rock Back, Recover, Step Pivot ¼ Left, Cross, Side
1-4LF ½ turn right step back on toes, LF heel down, RF rock back, LF recover
5-8RF step fwd, R+L ¼ turn left, RF step across, LF step to side [6]

Cross, ¼ Left, Step, Pivot ¼ Left, Cross, Hold, Side Rock Recover
1-4RF cross behind, LF ¼ turn left step fwd, RF step fwd, R+L ¼ turn left
5-8RF step across, hold, LF rock to side, RF recover [12]

Cross, Hold, ¼ Left, ¼ Left, Cross, Hold, Side, Close
1-4LF step across, hold, RF ¼ left step back, LF ¼ left step to side [6]
5-8RF step across, hold, LF step to side, RF close (4th wall: RF touch beside and restart)

Step Fwd, Side, Fwd, Fwd, Toe Strut ½ Right, Rock Back, Recover
1-4LF step fwd, RF step to side, LF step fwd, RF step fwd
5-8LF ½ turn right step back on toes, LF heel down, RF rock back, LF recover [12]

¼ Left Step Side, Behind, Rock Side, Recover, Cross, Sweep, Cross, Sweep
1-4RF ¼ turn left step to side, LF cross behind, RF rock to side, LF recover
5-8RF step across, LF sweep from back to front, LF step across, RF sweep from back to front [9]

Cross Rock, Recover, Step ¼ Right, Step, Pivot ½ Right, Hold, Cross Rock, Recover
1-4RF rock across, LF recover, RF ¼ turn right step fwd, LF step fwd
5-8R+L ½ turn right, hold, LF rock across, RF recover [6]

Side, Hold, Cross Rock, Recover, Weave
1-4LF step to side, hold, RF rock across, LF recover
5-8RF step to side, LF step across, RF step to side, LF cross behind [6]


Restart: Dance the 4th wall up to and including count 31 (count 7 of 4th section), then:
8RV touch beside
and Restart the dance [12]

Ending: Dance the 10th wall up to and including count 32 [12] and pose

DouBleYouB Line Dancers - - - mobile +31 653 53 18 23


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