CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Intermediate / Advanced
Rachael McEnaney (USA) & Joey Warren (USA) - October 2012
Stuck - Nessa Morgan : (Album: Sex And Poverty)
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Count In: 16 counts from start of track. Approx 97bpm
Notes: There is 1 restart on 4th wall and a TAG/Restart on 9th wall.

[1 - 8] R funky hitch and touch, hip L, close L, R scissor step, ¼ turn, full turn R triple step.
1 & 2Hitch right knee (1), bring right foot down (but don’t touch) next to left (&), slide right leg out to right touching right toe to right side as you bend left knee (2) (styling: right hip is slightly lifted on count 2). 12.00
3 &Push hips left as you straighten knees (3), Transfer weight onto right as you step left next to right (&) 12.00
4 & 5Step right to right side (4), step left next to right (&), cross right over left (5) 12.00
6 7 & 8Make ¼ turn right as you step back on left (6), make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (7), step left next to right as you begin making ½ turn right (&) complete ½ turn stepping forward on right (8) 3.00
RESTART 4th wall starts facing 3.00, do first 8 counts of dance taking you to 6.00 wall, close left next to right on & then start again 6.00

[9 - 16] ¼ turn R ball cross, ¼ turn L x 2 with R side rock cross, weave, L sweep, behind L, R back scissor
& 1 2Make ¼ turn right stepping ball of left to left side (&), cross right over left (snap fingers R for style) (1), make ¼ turn left stepping forward on left 3.00
3 & 4Make ¼ turn left as you rock right to right side (3), recover weight to left (&), cross right over left (4) 12.00
& 5 6Step left to left side (&), cross right behind left as you sweep left foot around (5), cross left behind right (6) 12.00
7 & 8Step right to right side (7), step left next to right (&), cross right behind left (8) 12.00
TAG Tag happens here during the 9th wall….9th wall starts facing 6.00…See TAG below.

[17 - 24] L ball R cross, ¼ turn, ½ turn, ½ turn, rock fwd R, R back, L together, R cross shuffle
& 1 2Step ball of left to left side (&), cross right over left (1), make ¼ turn left stepping forward on left (2) 9.00
3 4Make ½ turn left stepping back on right (3), make ½ turn left stepping forward on left (4) (styling: these 4 counts having a funky downwards pulse action) 9.00
5 & 6 &Rock forward on right (5), recover weight to left (&), step back on right (6), step left next to right (&) 9.00
7 & 8Cross right over left (7), step left to left side (&), cross right over left (8) 9.00

[25 - 32] Step lock R, unwind full turn, L side rock cross, touch step R, touch step L, kick, behind, toe heel swivel
& 1 2Step left to left side (&), lock right behind left (1), unwind full turn to right (weight ends on right ) (2) 9.00
3 & 4Rock left to left side (3), recover weight to right (&), cross left over right (4) 9.00
& 5 & 6 &Touch right next to left (&), step right to right side (5), touch left next to right (&), step left to left side (6), kick right to right diagonal (&) 9.00
7 & 8 &Cross right behind left (7), step left to left side (&), swivel right toe in towards left foot (8), swivel right heel in towards left foot (&) 9.00


TAG: 9th wall begins facing 6.00. Do first 16 counts of dance then add 8 counts below….
&Step ball of left to left side (&) 6.00
1 - 8Making a full turn to LEFT in a big circle on floor as you walk for 8 counts leading with R foot, ending with weight on left facing 6.00 (as if you are walking around something on the floor – with attitude) 6.00 THEN RESTART

Rachael: -

Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in it’s original format and include all contact details on this script.
2012 Rachael Louise McEnaney ( All rights reserved.


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