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Get Ready For This

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William Sevone (UK) - October 2012
Get Ready for This - 2 Unlimited
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Choreographers note:- Only 125 bpm - but the dance will feel and appear a lot faster.
The ‘Soft Shoe Shuffles’ in section 3 are certainly not new within line dancing – but may need a little practice.
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance start's on the heavy beat after the call ‘Y’all Ready For This….’ (approx 17seconds from start of music)

2x Lunge/Press-Recover-Together-Hold (12:00).
1 – 2Lunge/press right to right side. Recover on left.
3 – 4Step right next to left. Hold.
5 – 6Lunge/press left to left side. Recover on right.
7 – 8Step left next to right. Hold.

2x Diagonal Back-Together with Arm Press. 2x Side-Together with Arm Press (12:00)
9 – 10turning upper body right - (9) step right diagonally back right - pushing forearms forward. (10) Touching left next to right - pull forearms back (1.30).
11 – 12turning upper body left - (11) step left diagonally back left - pushing forearms forward. (12) Touching right next to left - pull forearms back (10.30).
13 – 14straighten to face Home wall - (13) Step right to right side - pushing forearms forward. (14) Touch left next to tight - pull forearms back.
15 – 16Step left to left side - pushing forearms forward. Touch right next to left - pull forearms back
Dance Note: Counts 9-16: Knees slightly bent forward with Elbows out at chest height & clenched fists together
RESTART Walls 4 and 10: Restart dance (same wall) from count 1

2x Soft Shoe Shuffle. Press. Recover. 1/2 Right Fwd-Side Press-Recover (6:00).
17& 18(On the spot) Step right slightly in front of left, slide left back slightly, step right to left toe.
19& 20(On the spot) Step left slightly in front of right, slide right back slightly, step left to right toe.
Dance Note: Counts 17&18 and 19&20 are performed with weight on the ball of the foot.
21 – 22Press forward onto right. Recover on left.
23& 24Turn 1/2 right & step forward onto right, press left to left side, recover on right (6).

Fwd. 1/2 Sweep. 2x Backward Sailor. Cross. 3/4 Unwind (3:00)
25 – 26Step forward onto left. Turning ½ right – sweep right foot from front to back (12).
27& 28Cross right behind left, step left next to right, step right – slightly backward - to right side.
29& 30Cross left behind right, step right next to left, step left – slightly backward – to left side.
31 – 32Step backward onto right toe (no weight). Pivot ¼ right - keeping weight on left (3).

TAG Extra Counts: End of Wall 7 there is a 4 count break
1 – 2Rock back on right. Recover on left
3 – 4stepping right next to left - Raise left arm in the air. Lowering left – raise right arm in the air.
Dance Note: when raising hands: Count 3.. lean to right. Count 4.. lean to left.

DANCE FINISH: End of the 12th wall – facing home. Placing weight onto both feet after count 32:
Raise left arm in the air. Lowering left – Raise right arm in the air.
(Dance Note: Left raise – lean to right. Right raise – lean to left)

Last Revision - 12th October 2012


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