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Shame On Me

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Easy Intermediate
Rachael McEnaney (USA) - June 2012
Shame On Me - Ken Mellons : (iTunes)
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Count In: 8 counts from start of track, dance begins on vocals.

[1 - 8] R kick, step back R, rock back L, step L, ½ pivot R, walk LR
1 2 3 4Kick right foot forward (1), step back on right (2), rock back on left (3), recover weight to right (4) 12.00
5 6 7 8Step forward on left (5), pivot ½ turn right (6), walk forward on left (7), walk forward on right (8) 6.00

[9 - 16] L kick x2, rock back L, step L, ¼ pivot R, L crossing shuffle
1 2 3 4Kick left foot forward (1), kick left foot forward (2), rock back on left (3), recover weight to right (4) 6.00
5 6 7 & 8Step forward on left (5), pivot ¼ turn right (6), cross left over right (7), step right to right side (&), cross left over right (8) 9.00

[17 - 24] Weave R, R side rock, cross R, clap,
1 2 3 4Step right to right side (1), cross left behind right (2), step right to right side (3), cross left over right (4) 9.00
5 6 7 8Rock right to right side (5), recover weight to left (6), cross right over left (7), clap hands (8) 9.00

[25 - 32] Weave L, L side rock with ¼ turn R, walk LR
1 2 3 4Step left to left side (1), cross right behind left (2), step left to left side (3), cross right over left (4) 9.00
5 6 7 8Rock left to left side (5), recover weight to right as you make ¼ turn right (6), walk forward on left (7), walk forward on right (8) 12.00

[33 - 40] Rock fwd L, L shuffle back, back rock R, R kick ball change
1 2 3 & 4Rock forward on left (1), recover weight to right (2), step back on left (3), step right next to left (&), step back on left (4) 12.00
5 6 7 & 8Rock back on right (5), recover weight to left (6), kick right foot forward (7), step in place on ball of right (&), step in place on left (8) 12.00

[41 - 48] Rock fwd R, R shuffle back, touch back L, unwind ½ turn L, step fwd R, pivot ½ turn L
1 2 3 & 4Rock forward on right (1), recover weight to left (2), step back on right (3), step left next to right (&), step back on right (4) 12.00
5 6 7 8Touch left toe back (5), make ½ turn left transferring weight to left foot (6), step forward on right (7), pivot ½ turn left (8) 12.00

[49 - 56] R jazz box cross, side rock with hips RLRL
1 2 3 4Cross right over left (1), step back on left (2), step right to right side (3), cross left over right (4) 12.00
5 6 7 8Rock right to right side swaying hips right (5), sway hips left (6), sway hips right (7), sway hips left (8) 12.00

[57 - 64] R sailor with ¼ turn R, L shuffle, step R, ½ pivot L, step R, ¼ pivot L
1 & 2Cross right behind left starting ¼ turn right (1), complete ¼ turn right stepping left next to right (&), step forward on right (2) 3.00
3 & 4Step forward on left (3), step right next to left (&), step forward on left (4) 3.00
5 6 7 8Step forward on right (5), pivot ½ turn left (6), step forward on right (7), pivot ¼ turn left (8) 6.00

Contact - - - Tel USA: +1 407-538-1533

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Copyright © 2012 Rachael Louise McEnaney ( All rights reserved.


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