CopperKnob Stepsheets

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You've Shown Me The Difference

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High Improver
Peter Davenport (ES) - September 2012
The Difference - Westlife : (Album: Where We Are)
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32 Count Intro. Approx 15 seconds - Track approx 3 mins 31 secs
Start on the words:- I Wait My Fate, Shaking Inside

½ Monterey Turn R, Point Together Rock Forward & Back
1,2Point R to R side, Make ½ R Bring R to L
3,4Point L to L side, Bring L to R
5,6Rock forward on R, Rock back on L
7,8Rock back on R, Rock forward on L

Touch ½ Turn R, Rock Forward, L Coaster Step,Step R ¼ Turn L
1,2Touch R toe back, Make ½ R stepping down on R
3,4Rock forward on L, Rock back on R
5&6Step L back, Bring R to L, Step forward
7,8Step forward on R, Pivot ¼ L (weight on L)

Cross Side, Behind Side Cross, Behind Side, Cross Shuffle
1,2Cross R over L, Step L to L side
3&4Step R behind L, Step L to L side, Cross R over L
5,6Step L behind R, Step R to R side
7&8Cross L over R, Step R to R side, Cross L over R
Restart & Change of step here Wall 3
7&8L behind R, Make ¼ R Stepping R to R side, Step L to L side
Try to accentuate this step, turning your body from right to left to get there

Side Together, Shuffle Forward,Side Together, Shuffle Back
1,2Step R to R side, Bring L to R (weight on L)
3&4Step forward on R, Bring L to R, Step forward R
5,6Step L to L side, Bring R to L (weight on R)
7&8Step back on L, Bring R to L, Bring L to R

Touch ½ R, L Shuffle, Walk, Walk, R Shuffle
1,2Touch R toe back, make ½ turn R, stepping down on R
3&4Step forward on L, Bring R to L, Step forward on L
5,6Walk forward R, Walk forward L
7&8Step forward R, Bring L to R, Step forward R
Tag:- Wall 6 Walk L Hold, Walk R Hold :- continue the dance

Full Turn R, L Mambo Step Back, Press Kick, Sailor Step ¼ R
1,2Make ½ R stepping back on L, Make ½ R stepping Forward on R
3&4Rock forward on L, & Recover on R, Step Back on L
5,6Press R foot forward, Recover on L (kicking R slightly forward)
7&8Sweep R Round back of L, Step L to L side whilst making ¼ R, Step R to R

Cross Rock, L Kick Ball Cross, Step Hold, & Side Touch
1,2Rock L over R, Recover on R
3&4Kick L out to L side, & on ball of L step down, Cross R over L (traveling L
5,6Step L to L side, Hold
&7,8Bring R to L on the & Step L to L side, Touch R to L (no weight)

Restart: on wall 3: & change of step to Sailor ¼ Turn R, Tag on wall 6 Walk Hold x2

NB:- The song and dance is dedicated to a very special friend who came along & showed me a different life,
where forgiving is not impossible, and saying sorry is not that hard, Thank you.

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